  • 學位論文


Oral status and treatment needs of 12-18 years old junior and senior high school students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃純德


背景: 如果能掌握精確且具有國際標準化的全國性口腔衛生調查報告,政府才能適當的推動適宜的口腔保健相關政策,又因為目前國內青少年的口腔健康狀況資料較為欠缺,所以從事國高中生的口腔狀況議題的探討。 研究目的: 了解台灣國高中學生的口腔狀況,並探討影響口腔健康的相關因素,以提供衛生當局或教育單位衛生教育之參考。 材料與方法: 以台灣23縣市(不含金門縣與連江縣)國高中學生為母群體,採分層抽樣調查等比隨機抽樣法,各縣市均選出384人,共選取4416人,於兩年內完成口腔檢查。口腔檢查以WHO頒布之標準為依據,以口鏡檢察其齲齒、口腔牙齒異常、咬合情形等,以及使用牙周探針檢查15-18歲青少年的牙周狀況。 結果: 共收集 4416位國高中生12-18歲學生的資料,其恆牙齲齒率隨著年齡的增加分別為42.76%、52.17%、54.12%、57.80%、51.94%、50.69%、50.79%。12-18歲人口DMFT index:12歲為2.82,13歲為3.78,14歲為4.23,15歲為4.52,16歲為4.72,17歲為5.14,18歲為4.86。牙齒口腔異常以central cusp、peg tooth較多。牙周健康方面患有牙齦炎及須接受口腔衛教及牙科治療者佔15-18歲層人口之74%。 結論: 本次調查與2001年的國民健康局所做的台灣地區6-18歲人口之口腔健康調查相比較可發現台灣青少年的口腔狀況已有相當的改善。但與WHO的2010年設定的12歲之DMFT值小於2仍有差距。政府或相關學校機構的口腔衛生推廣政策可再加強。針對平滑面型齲齒之預防,需輔導牙線的使用,小窩裂溝型齲齒之預防可搭配裂溝封填。 關鍵字:青少年、口腔健康狀況、齲齒盛行率、治療需求


Abstract Background: The dental health status of teenagers in Taiwan has been far from the goal established by WHO. Oral health problems have been gradually recognized as an important issue by the general public. Poor oral health will affect the development of permanent dentition and even harm general health. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the current oral health condition and treatment needs of adolescents aged 12-18 years. Materials and Methods: A total of 4416 students participated in this study, extracted from the cities and counties in Taiwan. Stratified survey sampling design and Probability Proportional to Size(PPS)were used for the selection of 384 students aged of 12-18 years old, data base was designed using MS Access and data were analyzed using SAS and JMP. Results: In this study, the mean DMFT index of each age group from 12 to 18-year-old adolescent was 2.82, 3.78, 4.23, 4.52, 4.72, 5.14 and 4.86, respectively. The caries prevalence of permanent dentition at the same age was 42.76%, 52.17%, 54.12%, 57.80%,51.94%,50.69% and 50.79% respectively. The mean number of the decayed teeth needing treatment was 2.00.Most adolescents had 1.18 teeth needing one surface filling. For the plaque index, only 12.73% of adolescents had no dental plaque, 81.54% had thin or moderate plaque accumulation, 5.73% had heavy plaque accumulation. For the gingival status, 32.98% of adolescents had healthy gingival status, 34.73% were mild, 2.83% was severe gingivitis, and 29.46% had calculus deposited. For the calculus index, 71.01% did not have calculus deposit, 24.87% had less than 1/3 calculus deposit, and only 3.37% had calculus deposition more than 1/3.For the CPI index, among the participants aged 15-18, 25.97% had healthy gingival tissue, 30.17% had bleeding,32.82% had calculus deposit,11.0% had pocket depth more than 4-5mm. Conclusion: Compared with the results surveyed in 2000, the oral health status of adolescents aged 12-18 years old has improved. The caries prevalence decreased by approximately 30%. Key words: adolescent, oral health status, caries prevalence, treatment needs


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