  • 學位論文


Role of Impulsivity in the Association between Internet Gaming Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

指導教授 : 柯志鴻


本研究旨在探討網路遊戲成癮與注意力缺失/過動疾患(ADHD)間之關聯與衝動性因子之關係。過去相關研究均指出網路成癮與許多精神疾患有共病關係,其中尤以ADHD共病率最高,而衝動性在兩者間有極大的相似性。為協助預防及治療網路遊戲成癮,本研究細分衝動性三個向度以釐清網路遊戲成癮與ADHD之間,是否有衝動性為中介因子的狀況,以供日後研究及臨床治療參考。 研究方法由網路PTT校園發布收案訊息,由受試者主動報名,由專業精神科醫師進行訪談,區分網路遊戲成癮組、控制組及緩解組,共268名,皆完成網路遊戲成癮、衝動性問卷測驗;後以描述性統計、卡方檢定、T檢定、變異數分析及邏輯回歸等統計方法分析資料。 研究結果發現網路遊戲成癮組有較高的動作型衝動(Motor Impulsivity);而緩解組的未計畫型衝動(Non-planning Impulsivity)雖低於網路遊戲成癮組,但仍高於控制組;ADHD患者在網路遊戲成癮上本有顯著相關,但當控制住動作型衝動(Motor Impulsivity)後,則其相關降至不顯著;在緩解上,同樣將未計畫型衝動(Non-planning Impulsivity)因子控制住後,ADHD的相關顯著即消失。 結論認為,衝動性在網路遊戲成癮與ADHD間確實扮演個中介因子的角色;ADHD患者較易產生網路遊戲成癮現象,其動作型衝動(Motor Impulsivity)可能為其中介因子;而ADHD患者網路遊戲成癮狀況較一般無ADHD者難緩解,則可能是未計畫型衝動(Non-planning Impulsivity)較高,因此造成緩解上較困難。因此以衝動性為中介因子之概念應用至網路遊戲成癮的預防、介入,或許能有效改善現今網路遊戲成癮的現象。


This study aims to discover whether impulsivity is the mediator of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In the past, researches all point out that IGD and mostpsychological patients have comorbidity especially with ADHD. Moreover, impulsivity has significant similarity with IGD and ADHD. In order to prevent and cure IGD, with an aim to discover, the study endeavors to research the three dimensions of impulsivity and whether it is the mediator of IGD and ADHD for future researches. The study method is to post recruitment on the web BBS, PTT. 268 voluntary test recipients all complete the questionnaire of IGD and impulsivity and are interviewed by professional psychologicaltherapists. The examinees are divided into three groups, IGD, Controlling, and Remission. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, T-test, analysis of variance, Logistic Regression are taken for data analysis. The result demonstrates that the IGD group has higher index on Motor Impulsivity and the index of Non-planning Impulsivity of the Remission group is lower than the IGDgroup’s but, still, higher than the Controllinggroup’s. Originally, ADHD patients are significantly relevant with IGD. However, after controlling Motor Impulsivity, the result becomes NOT significant. In the Remission group, ADHD’s relevance becomes NOT significant after controlling Non-planning Impulsivity. In conclusion, Impulsivity actually plays a mediator in IGD and ADHD. ADHD patients are more possible to get IGD and, in the meantime, Motor Impulsivity is more likely to be the mediator. On the other hand, the reason why ADHD patients with IGD are much more difficult to get remission is possibly that their index of Non-planning Impulsivity is higher than patients with NO ADHD. As a result, the concept of that impulsivity is the mediator should widely apply in researches that study to prevent and cure IGD and yet it might be able to improve the situation in this society nowadays.


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