  • 學位論文


A Study on the Morphological Construction of Hakka Fo^Fongˇ(伙房) Spaces in the Dongshi Region

指導教授 : 林會承


安身立命一直是墾民在遷徙過程中所嚮往,土地開疆闢壤後形成聚落進而成為墾民的新故鄉,聚落內最基本且涵蓋範圍最廣之元素即是住宅。東勢地區之傳統建築因受到九二一大地震及現代化建設影響下正在遽速地消失中,在這時間急迫之洪流,勢必將加緊腳步,因此,本研究以東勢地區之客家伙房做為討論主題,空間與使用做深入探究之內容。 本文研究方法有文獻研究法(document method),史料文獻之整理與探討,以東勢地區所涉及之歷史、聚落和伙房影像資料為主;訪談法(interview method),訪談係以口說之方式,準備好一組提綱挈領的問題作雙向溝通,輔以田野觀察與聆聽,過程裡保持中立的態度,適時地記錄受訪者的本質與真實性;建築測繪(building surveying),以文獻中的第一手測繪資料,並透過測繪圖瞭解內部各空間的構成、室內外動線安排等狀況,做為空間使用分析之圖面。 透過本研究,成果有:(1)九二一大地震後再次經由普查、文獻資料照片整理,共計有五十三棟、(2)伙房與自然環境之關係,有面水背山、正對朝案、前敞後實等原則選址、(3)伙房共有十一類型四種牆頭屋形態,十一類型分別有:五間正身、一堂兩橫屋、一堂兩橫屋帶門樓、一堂三橫屋、一堂四橫屋、一堂四橫屋帶牆頭屋、一堂四橫屋帶牆頭屋及門樓、一堂五橫屋帶牆頭屋及門樓、一堂六橫屋帶牆頭屋及門樓、兩堂四橫屋、兩堂四橫屋帶牆頭屋;四種牆頭屋則有:前圍、後圍、前後圍、方形圍聚、(4)伙房內埕身分有六種空間轉化,有內(inside)↔外(outside)、世俗(secular)↔神聖(sacred)、公共(public)↔私密(privacy)、(5)伙房的空間使用以「儀式行為」、「實用行為」做區分,其中「儀式行為」又以廳下最為核心。廳下的空間使用有「前尊後卑」、「中尊偏卑」、「左尊右卑」、「上尊下卑」八個方向;在「實用行為」中又分為起居空間、服務空間、生產空間、其它空間等。


客家 東勢 漢式建築 伙房 空間使用


While migrating, the Hakka people sought to settle down and get on with their lives. After the new land was developed, it formed into a settlement, becoming a new home for the Hakka people. The most fundamental and extensive element within the settlement is the housing. Due to the impact of both the 921 Earthquake and modernization, however, traditional architecture has been rapidly disappearing throughout the Dongshi region. During this urgent time, the pace must be quickened. As a result, this study examines the Hakka Fo^ Fongˇ in the Dongshi region for discussion by exploring their space and functions. This study employs a variety of research techniques, including the document method, the interview method, and building surveying. Through the document method, historical literature is consolidated and discussed to examine the history, settlement, and Fo^ Fongˇ of the Dongshi region. The interview method is conducted orally. For this study, a group of questions was prepared that focuses on vital issues for two-way communication. The interviews are supplemented with field observations and listening. While maintaining neutrality during the entire process, the interviewer timely records the innate characteristics and truthfulness of the respondents. The building surveying applies to the first-hand surveying and mapping data in the literature. The mapping diagrams enable people to understand the constitutions of each internal space, the arrangements of indoor and outdoor dynamic lines, and other such conditions. These are used as diagrams for analysis on how the space is used. The outcomes discovered by this study are as follows: (1) Data from census records, documents, and photos after the 921 Earthquake reveal that a total of 53 such dwellings now remain; (2) The relationship between the Fo^ Fongˇ and the natural environment employ certain principles for location, such as facing the water with the back to the mountains, facing the high waters on the other side, and facing lower water to higher water; (3) There a total of eleven types of Fo^ Fongˇ with four kinds of top walls. The eleven types of Fo^ Fongˇ are as follows: Five spatial dwellings, one main hall and two horizontal dwellings, one main hall and two horizontal dwellings with a gatehouse, one main hall and three horizontal dwellings, one main hall and four horizontal dwellings, one main hall and four horizontal dwellings with a top wall, one main hall and four horizontal dwellings with a top wall and gatehouse, one main hall and five horizontal dwellings with a roof and gatehouse, one main hall and six horizontal dwellings with a top wall and gatehouse, and two main halls and four horizontal dwellings, and two main halls and four horizontal dwellings. The four kinds of top walls are as follows: front top wall, back top wall, front and back top wall, and square top wall; (4) There are six kinds of transformative spaces within the dwellings of the Fo^ Fongˇ: inside ↔ outside, secular ↔ sacred, and public ↔ private; (5) The space of Fo^ Fongˇ are differentiated for “ceremonial rituals” and “practical use”, with space for “ceremonial rituals” forming the core of the lower halls. The space of the lower halls uses the eight directions of “front respect, back humble”, “middle respect, partial humble”, “left respect, right humble”, and “up respect, down humble”. The areas for “practical use” can be categorized by their functions: living, service, production, and others.


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