  • 學位論文


Exploring Audience Loyalty with the Theory of Planned Behavior and Involvement- A Case Study of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival

指導教授 : 黃蘭貴


影展對藝術電影觀眾來說,有其朝聖般的重要地位,對電影產業發展也有無可取代的必要性。近年來,由於觀眾欣賞藝術電影的管道不再侷限於影展,再加上各類型影展活動蓬勃發展,導致彼此競爭越來越激烈。因此,穩定的票房收入是影展能否長久舉辦的最重要關鍵,如何吸引觀眾購票參與影展成為影展主辦單位的龐大壓力,且。過去研究顯示,高忠誠度的顧客會有正向購買行為,能幫助收入持續成長,且提高原有顧客忠誠度較拓展新顧客更為有效。因此本研究欲分析影響影展觀眾忠誠度的因素,以期透過制定相關策略來激發觀眾的正向購買行為。 本研究以全臺灣規模最大的綜合性影展-金馬影展為例,運用計畫行為理論與涉入程度兩個理論,對影展觀眾忠誠度進行探究。計畫行為理論為Ajzen於1991年提出,乃藉由態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制,來衡量行為意圖並預測行為。涉入程度則著重在涉入於休閒之應用,分為社會心理層面與行為層面涉入,並以此二面向來衡量休閒涉入程度,用以檢視消費者態度忠誠及行為忠誠的指標(Traylor,1981; Zaichkowsky,1985)。研究對象為金馬影展觀眾,利用問卷調查法進行研究資料蒐集,於影展現場實地進行抽樣發放。共計得到有效樣本379份,研究資料以迴歸模型進行量化分析。 研究結論顯示,計畫行為理論的態度與知覺行為控制,對影展觀眾忠誠度具有顯著正向影響,主觀規範則呈現無顯著影響,且態度為所有變數中影響忠誠度最高之變數。而在涉入程度個構面中,對影展觀眾忠誠度呈現正向影響且影響程度最高的是愉悅性,其次為行為涉入、生活型態中心、自我表現,重要性構面呈現無顯著影響。


Various types of film festivals flourishing in Taiwan, and the competition in film festivals have become increasingly fierce. Past studies have shown that customer loyalty will have high and positive purchasing behavior, hence, the purposes of this study were to explore the Audience Loyalty of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival (TGHFF), based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Involvement. This study was focused on Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival (TGHFF), which is the largest film festival in Taiwan. Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) theorizes that individuals’ behavioral intention affected by their attitude, subject norm, and perceived behavioral control. And for Involvement, this study focused on the application of leisure involvement. Measuring the degree of leisure involvement by psychology and behavioral dimensions, to examine consumer attitudes loyalty and behavioral loyalty (Traylor, 1981; Zaichkowsky, 1985). This study adopted a quantitative research method using questionnaires to collect data from the audiences of TGHFF. The survey was implemented to 389 participants, and total of 379 valid questionnaires were collected with validation rate of 97.43%. The data were analyzed by methods including descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and regression analysis. The regression analysis results indicated that except subjective norms involvement-importance and screening attendance, all the independent variables had a significant and positive effect on loyalty. As for the theory of planned behavior, the audiences’ loyalty positively affected by their attitude and perceived behavioral control. As for the audiences’ involvement, the loyalty was positively affected by the their pleasure, self-expression, lifestyle centrality, the amount of film festivals they attend, years of seniority and experience in film festivals, if they are getting the membership of TGHFF, and if they are fans or followers of TGHFF’s social media. The result showed that attitude and involvement-pleasure should be the primarily focuses in improving audiences’ loyalty. Based on these significant findings, researcher provides some suggestions for management and marketing.


