  • 學位論文


The Changing Notions of Other Culture in Exhibition: A Study on the Permanent Exhibition of Africa in National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan

指導教授 : 王嵩山


博物館為社會文化現象,其展示受所處社會文化影響,呈現該社會的他者觀。本文以日本國立民族學博物館非洲展示為研究對象,1977年開館時因應社會發展需求,非洲展示基於文化相對主義概念向民眾介紹非洲文化,同時也呼應著日本民俗學研究而主張各地域文化生業活動的獨特性,著重人與環境的關係,以經濟活動分類人群,呈現自然、原始的他者觀和展示意象。 隨著博物館研究體系發展,博物館研究員進行工作時所抱持的特殊文化認知,影響著博物館文化展示再現異文化的途徑。近年日本社會人群組成漸行複雜,人類學從研究時間的差異轉變為研究地域的相互關係,展示更新呈現非洲人的意義之網,包含了他們的歷史觀點、文化時間與宗教,更重視不同地域、族群、性別所扮演的主動積極角色。 隨著社會轉型與研究者關懷變化,展示中的他者不再是客體化獨立的存在,而是與自我互為主體的存在。對民博非洲文化的研究者來說,展示不只是為了表現文化差異,更重要的是在全球化來臨的今日,將以「差異」認識他者的架構,轉換為以擁有「共同基礎」來理解他者,才是符合今日社會需求、關心人以及群體關係的博物館展示實踐。


Museum is a social cultural phenomenon, affected by its social cultural context representing the notions of “the other” of the society. In this article, the permanent exhibition of Africa in National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, was chosen as a study case. By observing African exhibition hall and interviewing curators, this article investigate how the museum exhibition develops under the social and academic circumstances. In the 1970s, the need of knowing world increased, when making the permanent exhibition of Africa in the newly opened National Museum of Ethnology, Japan, the curators took cultural relativism as main concept, and emphasized on representing the unique, traditional life styles of African ethnic groups to Japanese public. Nevertheless, because of the post-colonialism, globalization and the criticism on exhibitions of other culture, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan, have renewed the permanent exhibition hall in 2008. Curators started cooperating with African representatives, attempting to perform the native’s point of view. Not only using their own words to say their own history and life, but also showing how they struggle in modern world after interacting with outer world. In conclusion, the social environment and curators’ academic concern influenced the approaches of cultural exhibition. In earlier period, African exhibition had affected by both national policy and academic concern, the other’s image also had been fixed. However, after the exhibition renewal, curators tried to balance the academic concern and the emic views, seeing natives as dynamic agent. Most important of all, the curators have to take responsibility for continuously communicating between natives and museums (as an academic institution), as well as to present natives’ as active roles in culture practicing.


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