  • 學位論文


Exhibiting as an Art Form: In Making toward Fields of Relationships

指導教授 : 陳愷璜


一般介於邊緣和核心間的廣大的模糊地帶,對於已然存在的機制或是形態所產生的不確定感,試圖借用另一種想像的方式去衍化出可能性的藍圖或模擬。對於空間規制的形成、生活狀態、社會架構、甚至是在展覽場域中的各種機制的統化開始產生疑慮,我想像鄰居與我之間的牆壁不存在,彼此是生活在同一個居住空間之中,隔壁太太的頂樓山石流水是服膺於既有的公園思想所佈置構造出的新景點模仿,廣場上矗立的告示牌,說明我們將會在面積同等的上空看見這九種出沒的燕子,或是女學生以何種姿態作為房東想像品味的可能對象。生活中可見與不可見的規訓或是框架,以一種包圍的方式塑造出該成為的生活樣態,當處在這樣一個彼此觀察的生活樣板中時,是否在這些機制或習慣中仍然有某些漏洞能夠成為突破展示的有效性和多樣性的檢驗。 試圖經由轉譯現成的機制或習慣內容,去產生種種對於生活及創作想像的念頭。經由反制或創造的理由,進行一系列關於所不理解之事的探問和質疑,藉著所認識的語言去延展出這種疑惑,創作性的概念延展到對於體制想象的展覽計畫,都是在質疑態度之間思考過程的截取。


What interest me are those uncertain areas between the core and the edge of the boundary. The uncertainty which are created by the existing rules or forms, are forcing me to imagine things evolving for another possibility. I start to confuse and doubt about how the space is formed, the living states, social structure, and exhibition places’ system. I imagine that there is no wall between my room and my neighbor’s ; we both living in the same space. On our neighbor’s top floor there is a landscape that created to become the miniature of landmarks. The sign board stands on the square tells we will be able to observe nine different types of swallows on the same amounts of sky. Or what behavior the female students present her to be an ideal good taste. There are many noticeable or unseen rules or frames in life, they surrounded you to create a template tells you how the life should be. When we are situated in this template of observations, could it be possible for us to discover and break through the loophole. I try to reinterpret the now day structure or familiar content, to create many ideas that are base on daily life and imagination. Through the motive of opposition and creation, I started a series of study on the questionable things. Follow the language that I know to expand this sort of curiosity, the creative idea extends to the exhibi¬tion plans that is beyond the structure.


Don Delillo,《毛二世》,寶瓶文化出版 ,2011
Michel de Certeau,《日常生活實踐 1. 實踐的藝術》,南京大學出版社,2009
Milan Kundera,《生活在他方》,皇冠出版社,2006
Ohan Pamuk,《純真博物館》,麥田出版社,2012
Tim Cresswell,《地方:記憶丶想像與認同》,群學出版社,2006
