  • 學位論文


A Study on YANAGITA Kunio's Method of Folkloristics (Minkan Densho) and It's Influence on the Development of Taiwanese Folklore Research

指導教授 : 林承緯


本論以柳田國男的民俗學理論為研究對象,針對其理論進行系統性的分析詮釋, 以完整掌握認識民俗學的理論構造。透過柳田國男生平的梳理,論述其兩本經典著作《民 間傳承論》、《鄉土生活研究法》,從中並針對其研究方法論、調查手法及資料論等議 題進行討論。學問的成立並非僅停留於單純的系統性知識建構,柳田國男民俗學的目的 是解明日常生活 在的實態現象,這門學問擁有如史學、人類學、社會學等周邊學問無 法取代之處,特別是強調經世濟民的精神。台灣在民俗研究上仍無法樹立完整的知識體 系,本論探究柳田國男如何打造日本民俗學,其學科建立的執行模式、使命感及其背後 的價值思想,有那些值得國內借鏡。日本民俗學是柳田國男以折口信夫的理解與協助為 基礎,並且借助澀澤敬三的支援所創造出的獨立新學問,知識體系發展累積至今將近一 世紀。本文為探究台灣的民俗研究是否受柳田國男民俗學方法論的影響,另一方面,也 著眼戰前雜誌《民俗台灣》與柳田國男的關係,掌握柳田來台旅行的過程並加以解析, 進而發現《民俗台灣》編輯手法、刊稿形式受柳田國男民俗學影響至深,柳田的民俗學 概念方法直接間接透過編輯落實於《民俗台灣》中。藉由梳理這段民俗研究過往的足跡, 完整的民俗意識已儼然傳入台灣,即使在大東亞民俗學下的討論也可見,我們無法否定 日治時期《民俗台灣》試圖建構台灣民俗學的意圖。台灣無法照本宣科移植他國經驗, 但是柳田國男創立民俗學的奮戰過程及學科內涵,可作為台灣是否需建立民俗學研究方 法論的參考依據及思考動力。


This paper aims to study Yanagita Kunio’s theory of folkloristics by undertaking a systematic analysis of and interpreting his theory in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical structure of folkloristics. By examining his life, this paper looks at his two classic books On Folklore Heritage and Rural Life Research Method and discusses his research methodology, survey techniques and theory of data, etc. On the other hand, this paper also focuses on the relationship between the pre-war Taiwanese folk magazine Minzoku Taiwan and Yanagita Kunio. By understanding and analyzing Yanagita’s trip to Taiwan it is found that the way Minzoku Taiwan was edited and published were greatly influenced by Yanagita’s folkloristics. The establishment of Yanagita’s discipline lies not in the mere systematic construction of knowledge. Rather, folkloristics is intended to explain the actual state that exists in everyday life. The branch of learning is so unique that it cannot be replaced by related disciplines such as history, anthropology and sociology. It attaches great importance to people’s welfare. Since a complete system of folklore studies is still unable to be established in Taiwan, this paper explores how Yanagita created Japanese folkloristics, the framework he adopted to establish the discipline, the thinking behind his sense of commitment, as well as what we could learn from him. Japanese folkloristics, the new independent discipline, was founded by Yanagita who won the comprehension and support of Orikuchi Shinobu and the assistance of Shibusawa Keizo. Up to now, the knowledge system of the discipline has been developed and accumulated for nearly a century. Although it is impossible for Taiwan to copy the experience of another country as it is, the arduous process Yanagita underwent to create folkloristics and the significance of the discipline can serve as a reference and motivation as to whether Taiwan needs to establish folkloristics research methodology.


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