  • 學位論文


A Study on the Correction Space of Prison in Taiwan after World War II

指導教授 : 邱博舜


西方社會從非人性的待遇與懲罰到對人道主義的追求,成為現代國際社會共同的價值,並影響我國當代矯正思想,透過監獄建築與監獄學理論,互相反映權力空間的意象與運作。監獄建築背負著負空間原罪,在切割城市涵構的圍牆背後,隔離與黑暗使得監獄空間內部成為一種想像,形成都市空間內的灰色地塊。社會需要有效的收容罪犯之暴力城堡彰顯國家權力的同時,不論是城市景觀或是都市生活而言,都使得眾人對監獄建築帶有恐懼的看法與嫌惡設施的意象,這種對監獄建築根深蒂固的排斥感與道德感,使得我們對維持社會秩序的強權式監獄建築又疏離而又有所期待。縱然這層層圍牆形成特有的強力界定,使監獄空間內部形成的特有文化與行為,反向透過建築形式與構造,反映出社會與建築的關係,但是圍牆本身並非僅僅構成權力空間的唯一方式,反而在其內部空間有更細微的內在秩序,控制著收容人生活規律與秩序。 本論文研究以監獄內部空間、監獄建築類型、監獄在城市空間的三個面向進行探討,從權力空間的研究角度下,瞭解監獄建築中的權力場域的變化與消長,藉由實地訪談與測繪分析,研究開放與壓縮的空間的場域,同時檢視排斥空間與擴張空間,並藉透過文獻中西洋監獄建築的發展與對我國影響,透過監獄建築類型,檢視建築與犯罪矯正理念相互關係。


The transition from inhumane treatment and punishment to the pursuit of humanitarianism in Western society has evolved into a set of modern international shared values, influencing our country’s contemporary correctional philosophy. The symbolism and exercise of authority is reflected via the interaction between prison architecture and correctional theories. Prison architecture bears an inherent negativism that, in carving out the city landscape and perimeter, creates a separation and darkness that materialize a sort of imagination and twilight zone in the cityscape. While a society needs an effective means of incarcerating criminal elements in order to enforce a government’s authority, prison architecture’s presence in urban scenary and city living still instill fear and loathing in the public. This kind of moral repulsiveness creates a dilemma between the yearning for law and order on the one hand, and the feeling of alienation stemming from the authoritarian prison architecture on the other hand. Layers of prison wall can carve out a strong physical perimeter while at the same time creates a particular culture and norms within the prison space. Such enclosure can also reflect via the architectural form and function a relationship with the outside society. But the prison perimeter itself is not the only manifestation of authority space; it can have a subtle internal order, controlling the prisoners’ living arrangement and rhythm. This thesis seeks to explore three related elements: prison’s interior space, prison architectural types, and urban location of prisons. It researches the change and evolution of prison architecture’s expression of authority and spacial relationships. By using live interviews and analytical sketching, we aim to explore the openness and enclosed nature of space and place. At the same time, we will review the exclusionary and expansionary nature of prison space. Through a literature review of Western and Eastern prison architectural development and its domestic influence, we seek to examine the intertwining relationship between prison architecture and correctional philosophy.


1994 《監獄建築概論》。台東:群品股份有限公司。
1990《獄政管理專刊論文集》。台北:法務通訊 。
