

本論文旨在闡述個人創作理念,過程佐文學作品與電影進行。第一章著重於三個在作品中不斷重覆的形式與方法:陌生化、保存、開放的敘事性。第二章始描述創作動機——為保存一個個複數人稱的指代、及形成其向良善與盼望的前進。第三章將對象聚焦於家庭關係,由一個理想空缺的想望開始,針對作品《我們在此相遇》、《我們擁有很長的手臂》、及《家庭相簿》的整體概念進行討論。第四章轉向對於親密的描寫,以《家庭相簿:桌上有你喜歡的咖哩飯》為例,分析討論繪畫作品中出現的對象與視角之關聯性;其後針對作品《在蜂蜜色的路上》及《家庭相簿:出去個性一下》討論並提出趨向成熟的自我期許。最終進行截至目前為止的概念結論及未來展望。 我們時時刻刻經歷着生而為人這件特別的事。每個人身處不同成分卻俱相同結構的關係之中,這些關係交織成為了我們及我們的時代,在那當中每個人以自己的方式成長。為與世界中所有世代的所有人相遇,我一次又一次將那些欲言又止的時刻輕輕篩落。每個無特徵的五官與背影、嘎然即止的手勢、無解的暗號都使我們與另一個時刻的自己迫近,於是每個名為「我們」和「這裡」的彼此在此相遇,形成了所有無可取代的體驗;而當中那些相同的結構之下,各自包含著作為纖細骨架的真實與深刻,微微發亮——恰巧便是亙古以來不能或缺的向善(goodnesss)前進的鑰匙。 關鍵字:陌生化、保存、開放性敘事


陌生化 保存 開放性敘事


This thesis is to present my creations through literature and films. In first chapter, the emphasis is on three repetitive forms and methods that can be seen in my works: Defamiliarization, preservation, and open-narratives. In chapters two, I depict the motives of my artworks: to preserve each plural personal pronoun and to lead them in a move that towards goodness and hope. In chapter three, the family bonding is my focus, started with the absence of a ideal model, and then discussed the general concepts in my artworks, , and . In chapter four, intimacy became the main issue, I took as an example, to analyze the correlations between the objects and angles appeared in my paintings. Furthermore, I used and as discussion points, to present the anticipation of my maturity. Last, I concluded with all the artistic concepts now and tried to draw out the future prospects. We experience the specialness of being human in every minute we live. Each person lives in a same structure that is made up of different components, these relationship networks formed us and the generation, in which everyone lives and grows in their own way. To meet all people in the generation, I have to leave those unspoken moments again and again. Blurry facial features, the view from one’s backside, the hand gestures at sudden pause, unsolvable signals, all of these are to bring us closer to another self in different times and to meet eventually here and now and finally shape the irreplaceable experiences. Beneath the same structure, the genuineness and profoundness of life experience are hence shined through, which are the keys to goodness in the past and thereafter. Keywords: Defamiliarization, Preservation, Open-Narrative.


《戀人絮語:一本解構主義的文本》,羅蘭•巴特(Roland Barthes)著,汪耀進、武佩榮譯,台北:桂冠,1991。
《我們在此相遇》,約翰•伯格(John Berger)著,吳莉君譯,麥田出版,2008。
《觀看的視界》,約翰•伯格(John Berger)著,吳莉君譯,麥田出版,2010。
《班托的素描簿》,約翰•伯格(John Berger)著,吳莉君譯,麥田出版,2012。
《孩子為什麼要上學》,大江健三郎(OE Kenzaburo)著,陳保朱譯,時報出版,2002。

