  • 學位論文


A Study on the Contract System of the Government in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period, with a Focus on Senbai-Kyoku

指導教授 : 蘇睿弼
共同指導教授 : 邱博舜(Bor-Shuenn Chiou)


日治時期50年,台灣的營建環境產生了極鉅的變化。直接自殖民母國移植而來的營造工業和營建體系,瓦解了舊時以大木匠師總攬工程的傳統,並帶來新的技術與制度;以往的「有機聯繫」漸次崩潰,新的聯繫亟待建立,也就是一套嶄新的建築生產模式的建立。「建築的生產」概念根基於資本主義所帶來的現代化生產關係,當「建造」一事膨脹為「生產建築」,從設計環節、建造技術、材料生產到施工、監督增生成一連串龐雜的機制,不斷衍生出新的工作層級,而這些龐雜的機制與工作層級,被制度化的結果便是所謂的「請負制度」。 透過自日本移植而來的「建築生產模式」,在殖民地台灣的適應、轉化過程可說是構成日治時期台灣建築史建構的重要養分之一;然而,以往討論該過程時,由於忽略了「制度」對於建築生產模式之形成的影響,導致從「設計」到「完工」之間牽涉到制度層面的過程,往往被輕描淡寫。對此不重視的結果,便難以了解此制度化的過程對於最終的建築生產品之影響,亦難以了解此過程是如何被組織起來?其與官方所公佈的制度之間的關係,在其規範下所建構出來的建築生產模式又有何特性? 基於此,本研究以日治時期台灣官方請負制度與工事為對象,以總督府專賣局為主,著重於兩個面向:「請負制度」本身,與其所影響的「建築生產模式」之間的關聯。從「制度的發展」之演變觀點,討論整體大環境與制度之間的關係、官方立場與制度發展的關係,以及制度與請負業者發展之間的關係。由「契約的締結」之觀點,透過分析契約規範中的權利與義務分配,推演公共工程中兩個主要當事者:「官方」與「請負者」之間的權力支配關係,進而瞭解此關係對於制定契約規範的影響。最後,透過建構「實際的建築生產流程」,探討「制度」對於「執行面」的影響,進而推展該時期因請負制度的引進,所造成的「建築生產模式」的特性,與其在建築生產發展上的意義。


During the Japanese colonial period, the constructive environment in Taiwan had being facing a colossal conversion. The system of the constructive industry transplanted recklessly from the colonial motherland disintegrated the constructive conventions of old times in Taiwan, and thus brought with new technologies and systems. The organic bonds of old times then collapsed by degrees while new bonds were about to be set up, that is, the rise of a whole new mode of building production. The concept of “building production” is based on the modernized process of production brought with Capitalism which expanded “building houses” to “producing buildings”, proliferating a series of complex functions, such as designing, developing constructive technologies and materials, constructing and supervising. The systematization of all theses complex functions and new work roles was the so-called “contract system”. The adaptation process to colony Taiwan of the “building production mode” transplanted from Japan consists of the most opulent materials devoted to the research on the architectural history in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. However, because the discussion of how the “system” affected the formation of the “building production mode” was neglected in the past, the process regarding the systematic procedure between “designing” and “completion” was always left understated. Therefore, it will be very hard to understand how the process affected the final building products, how the process was organized, the relationship between the process and the laws considering the contract system announced by the government, and what the specific traits of the “building production mode” under the contract system are if we don’t attach importance to the discussion of the contract system. Thus, this research mainly discusses the contract system and architecture works of the government in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period, with a focus on Senbai-kyoku, and aims at two respective aspects: the contract system itself and the relationship between the contract system and the “building production mode” it had an effect upon. First, with a “development of system” diachronic point of view, I discuss the relationship between social environment and the contract system, the relationship between the government’s ground and the development of the contract system, and the relationship between the contract system and the contractors. Second, with a “contract-making” point of view, I deduce the obscure “dominant-submissive” relationship between two main roles, the government and the contractor, in public constructions via analyzing the clauses of the contract, and further, exploring how this relationship affected the constitution of contract clauses. At last, with an approach of constructing the “practical process of producing buildings”, I discuss how the official contract system affected the practice, and then infer a conclusion of the characteristics of the “building production mode” brought with the contract system and finally locate its position in the history spectrum of building production.


Leonardo Benevolo
Peter Berger, Brigitte Berger, Hansfried Kellner等


