  • 學位論文


A Theoretical Impact Study of Human Evolution on the Exhibition of Peking Homo erectus at Zhoukoudian Site Museum.

指導教授 : 何傳坤


人類起源與北京直立人的生活方式,是古人類學界熱門的議題,且有不同的解釋,而博物館的展示依據學術研究的成果呈現,其爭議也影響了展示的內容及設計。本文主要探討:博物館中人類演化展示如何決定其所採取的學說觀點?並受到什麼因素的影響?   本文首先回顧人類演化與北京人生活方式不同學說的發展及爭辯,並以周口店北京人遺址博物館作為比較案例,再增加美國自然史博物館(American Museum of Natural History)之人類演化大廳,及國立自然科學博物館之「古代的中國人」及「人類的故事」展廳,瞭解博物館如何呈現人類演化的展示內容。   本研究發現周口店北京人遺址博物館,以化石證據作為展示的基礎,並提到學說中北京人為獵人的身份;美國自然史博物館的展示單元則提高分子生物學的比重,並支持出非洲說的觀點,而北京人的生活復原也採用學界較少認同的觀點,從獵食者變成被獵者的身份;國立自然科學博物館的展示則採用多數學者的觀點,生態造景中的北京人以獵人姿態住在洞穴之中,其人類演化的觀點將兩種學說相提並論,不過較偏向出非洲演化的說法。   本研究在比較不同博物館人類演化與北京直立人的展示內容之後,以俾進一步了解博物館藉由哪些因素來決定一個展示的內容及設計,並提供國內博物館反思在人類演化的展示上如何採用更多元的內容給觀眾。


Human origins and Peking Man’s life are hot and controversial issues in Paleoanthropology. These controversy will influence the content and design of museum exhibitions. The main purpose of this study is to review those diverse schools of thought and to explore how the curators choose the controversial opinions on human evolution and how to explain it.   The cases used for of this study including Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site Museum, Anne and Bernard Spitzer Hall of Human Origins at American Museum of Natural History, and Ancient Chinese gallery, Human Story at the National Museum of Natural Science.   The permanent exhibit of Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site Museum is based on fossil evidence to reconstruct the Peking Man as a mighty hunter;AMNH is focused more on molecular biology to support Out of Africa hypothesis, thus, the diorama of Peking Man had become the animal’s prey, not the hunter;the exhibition of NMNS used most of the scholars’s opinions, that the Peking Man porfrayed as hunters and they lived in the caves. In addition, the exhibition of is human evolution is in favor of Out of Africa hypothesis.   This study compared the exhibits of human evolution and reconstructed the life style of Peking Man in different nature history museums around the world. In addition, this study also attempts to understand what the factors affect the exhibition's contents and designs. Finally, the author suggests that the exhibitions of human evolution in Taiwan should rethink and provide the visitors in more multi-perspective exhibitions in the nearest future.


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