  • 學位論文


A Study of Vacant School Spaces for the Arts Activities - An Example of Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 閻自安


隨著時代的變遷,少子化與高齡化的情況將同時並存,新生人數的減少,將直接衝擊學校的各個層面,學生人數的減少,可能造成國民中小學校園空間出現閒置的狀況,因此,如何將少子化所衍生出的校園閒置空間予以活化再利用,是目前亟需探討的課題。 近年來政府不斷推動相關法令,教育部自2003年的「國民中小學閒置校舍活化再利用示範計畫」、2006年提出「閒置校舍活化再利用方案」、2007年「活化校園空間總體規畫方案」、2008年「活化校園閒置空間總體計畫」,乃至2007年至2012年連續六年推動「國民中小學整合空間資源暨發展特色學校計畫」等,皆為因應國內少子化所造成之部分校舍空間閒置現象所提出的政策,由此可看出政府對此議題的重視。   校園閒置空間再利用的模式多元,本研究以「教學展示空間」、「結合社區發展」、「藝文遊學村」、「藝術家駐村工作室」的四種藝文類再利用模式,探討校園閒置空間引入藝文活動之認同度調查,以新北市國中小為例,並以行政人員與藝文教師為研究對象,結果可做為未來閒置空間引入藝術活動之具體建議,並提供教育主管機關與學校經營之參考。


Along with the change in times, the society faces low birth rate and aging population. The decreasing of the number of newborns will soon impact school registration at different level. For junior high schools, the reduction of the student registration would create many idle spaces and facilities in campus. As a result, to adaptively manage such idled facilities, caused by the low birth rate, becomes an immediate issue for school administration. In recent years, the government continuously promotes relevant legislations to remedy the idled facilities. Among those legislations and policies, the “Principal Plan to Reuse Unused School Facilities in Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools” of 2003, the “Policy on Adaptive Re-Usage of Idled School Facilities” of 2006, the “Guidelines to Reactivate Unused School Spaces” of 2007, the “Comprehensive Plan to Reactivate Unused School Spaces” of 2008, and the “Development and Integration of School Idled Facilities in Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools” from 2007 to 2012 are significant examples of government’s efforts on resolving this issue. With the above examples, it shows the unused facilities have been viewed by the government as an issue of great importance. There are many different existing models to reuse unused campus facilities. This study is based on four practical models—“Space for Teaching Display”, “Community Integration Development”, “Village of Arts Tour”, and “Workshop of On-site Artists”. Using a standardized questionnaire, “The Recognition of Reactivating Unused Facilities with Art Activities”, this study explores the possibility of integrating the art activities with the vacant school facilities. The study samples both the school administers and the fine arts faculties from elementary schools and junior high schools at Sing Bei City. The findings are analyzed, and the suggestions of integrating art activities with vacant facilities are proposed. These results serve as a valuable source for district educators and school administrators to best manage the educational resources.


vacant school space reuse art activities


