  • 學位論文

電視電影 《三朵花純理髮》創作論述

A Critique Essay on the Film Work The Barber Shop

指導教授 : 廖慶松


《三朵花純理髮》是一個透過兄妹的親情,講述關於「坦白」與「瞭解」的故事。故事描述林桑與美美這對兄妹,從小在母親所開設的傳統男士理髮廳長大,手藝高超的林桑被母親視為理髮廳的接班人,然而在二十五年前,林桑突然以學髮藝為由遠赴日本,滯留未歸。二十五年後,林桑突然回台灣,不但揭開了當年離開的原因,婚姻與事業面臨瓶頸的美美,也因與哥哥重逢後,對幸福有了新的體認。 本作品創作源起於筆者的舊識,當時正為本作品製作公司推薦具有潛力的新生代創作團隊而與筆者接觸,由於筆者與本片導演與編劇之前已合作過短片《美麗鏡界》的製作,彼此已有相當的默契,筆者遂邀請他們共同加入團隊;當時公共電視正好公開徵選人生劇展的企劃案,於是便決議以此單元劇作為與製作公司合作的起點。 本作品闡述主題,依據101年度公共電視「HD單元劇-公視人生劇展」採購案投標徵選主題「想」做為故事發想,延展出一個關於「想坦白」與「想瞭解」的親情與家庭故事,以「剪斷怨懟 幸福重生」作為中心主軸,經由指導教授對企劃、劇本提供建議做調整後,經公共電視審查通過,進行製作拍攝,於102年1月13日於公視頻道播映。 在主題研究上,以紀錄片《不老騎士》、劇情片《新手人生》與《野薔薇理髮院》三部片來作分析比較,論述中文獻參考除了針對故事發生的時代背景、男主角性傾向和女性角色變遷作為角色設定的參考,並從製片的角色論述從前製製作、拍攝、後製及宣傳播映的各階段工作闡述。 本作品是筆者第一部劇情長片作品,從發想、製作到播映,歷時將近一年。在論述中,將針對各階段的工作進行檢討與分享。


親情 公視人生劇展 性傾向


The Barbershop is a story about confession and understanding among family members that interpreted by the relationship between an elder brother and his younger sister. The elder brother, Lin Sang, and his younger sister, Mei Mei, are raised by their mother who owned a barbershop where the place they grew up. Lin Sang has the talent from his mother and he is the candidate to inherit the barber shop. Twenty-five years ago, all of a sudden, Lin Sang left the place he grew up and went to Japan for an advanced training in haircuts. After such a long time disappearance, Ling Sang comes back to the barbershop unexpectedly just like the day he left. In the meanwhile, this man exposes the secret why he left for so long. The reunion of the families inspires Mei Mei who is facing the bottleneck both in her marriage and career to redefine the meaning of the happiness. The collaboration of the production of the Barber shop began from an acquaintance who was looking for potential film talents for a production house. He came for recommendations. Due to the wonderful experiences worked with the director and scriptwriter of a Public Television Service (PTS) drama Reflection, based on the good understandings, 3 of us decided to join the production house that referred by the acquaintance as a team. At the same time, PTS was recruiting proposals for PTS Life Story. Finally, the team decided to start the cooperation with the production house from sending the proposal of The Barber shop to PTS. The theme of the Barber Shop is conforming to the standard of “HD Film of PTS Life Story” with the subject of “WANT” for entering PTS’ public bidding of 2012. Based on it, the team developed the story about family relationships of “want to confess” and “want to understand”. Centered in “Evaporate the enmities and regain the happiness” to create the script. This project was supervised by the Graduate School instructor, Mr. Chine Sung Liao, who gave valuable advices. According to his instruction, the proposal was approved by the board of examination and get fund for filming from PTS. The Barber shop broadcasted had on January 13, 2012 via PTS. By comparing and analyzing three film productions of a documentary, Go Grandriders, and two dramas, the Beginners and Permanent Nobara, the study reveals that it is not only state the background of the stories, the sexual orientation of the male characters and the transition of female roles as the reference of character setting, but also elaborate each stages of the pre-production, filming, post-production, promotion and broadcasting from the angle of a producer in the article. This is my first full-length drama production with participating from the beginning of brain-storming, production and broadcasting that spent almost 12 months to join it. There will be discussions and sharing about each stage of this production in the thesis in the next stage.


張德瑩(2012.1月)。「家庭倫理與連鎖美髮店中的性別分工與演進1960-2007」。應用倫理教學與研究學刊 第七卷第一期
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