  • 學位論文


Applying Learning Community in Music Curriculum of Senior High School :A Case Study of Taiwan Rock and Roll

指導教授 : 林劭仁


摘要 本研究以佐藤學教授在學習共同體理論中倡導的「協同學習」為核心基礎,從該理論所主張之學習三大要素:探究、合作以及表達,採行動研究法進行九週主題式教學方案,透過參與觀察、文件分析、前後測結果等蒐集學生學習相關資料,輔以半結構式訪談、觀課教師回饋及研究者教學省思札記,探究學習共同體對於高中學生在音樂藝術教育的學習興趣與學習態度之影響。 研究結果顯示: 一、主題式教學方案內容之選取,將直接影響學生學習動機的高低。 二、活動性、創作性課程輔以協同學習之教學法,能有效提升學生學習動機。 三、協同學習的實施有助於學生個人學習之表達能力、批判思考力、解決問題能力和與他人合作力的提升,並有效增進師生間與同儕間之互動。 四、同儕之間的對話有助於激發學生的學習興趣與誘發其正向學習態度。 五、教室空間、班級人數與班級風氣,皆為間接影響學生在學習共同體教學情境下,其學習興趣與學習態度是否轉變的因素之一。 六、在規劃符合學習共同體理念之教學方案與課程活動設計中,能促使教師專業之成長。 最後,研究者針對此議題提出具體建議以供未來有意推行學習共同體之學 校單位、教學者與研究者參考。冀望透過教學者有效引導的教育方式,讓學生在探索式的學習情境中,培養其對學習抱持熱誠的心,並從中獲得心靈上的滿足感與成就感。


Abstract This study is basics of ” Collaborative Learning “ which accordance with the theory of “learning community “ proposed by professor Misaki Satoto. Three elements of learning of the theory advocated are exploration, collaboration and expression and based on action research to implement 9 classes of thematic courses. The study is adopted by participant observation, analyzes the documents and results of pre-test and post-test which are collected by semi-structured summary of the interview, collaborative observations reviews and teacher reflection journals in order to make a thorough inquiry on the effects for learning interest and attitude of senior high students when learning community concept is applied to music education. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Thematic teaching content will directly affect the level of learning motivation. 2. Active, creative curriculum supplemented by collaborative learning pedagogy could effectively enhance learning motivation. 3. Implementation of collaborative learning helps students enhance learning expression, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration with others. Moreover , it effectively enhance the interaction between teachers and students or between peers. 4. Dialogue between peers help to stimulate learning interest and induce positive learning attitude. 5. Classroom space, class size and class atmosphere were one of the factors to indirectly affect learning interest and learning attitude in the learning community situation. 6. It could promote the teacher professional development through planning and implementing of thematic programs with the theory of “learning community “. Finally, according to the conclusions above, there are some suggestions to schools that would like to promote learning community and the teachers’ participation in the dialogue in the learning community as well as the related research in the future.




