  • 學位論文


Rituals of Rebellion —Burning Wang Ye Boat in the Ceremony

指導教授 : 阮昌銳


本文以王船祭典作為案例,紀錄儀式當中的反常行為,並且討論反常行為所具有的社會意義。 民間儀式活動中常有的反常行為,一般可以分為兩類:第一類是平常能做的事,但在儀式的過程中受到禁止,也就是一般所謂的「禁忌」(taboo);第二類是平常不能做或不可有的行為,卻在儀式的過程中允許甚至受到鼓勵,也就是所謂的「反常儀禮」。本文首先探討反常行為的意義與特徵,並且從人類文化與民間儀式活動當中尋找反常行為出現的案例。 其次,本文梳理王船祭典的起源、演變與現況。王船信仰是中國東南沿海地區與台灣西南部最為特殊的民間信仰,探究王船的起源,應該與中國古老驅除瘟疫的儺俗有關。儺俗是一種送走疫鬼的神祕祭祀儀禮,當它與船文化結合時,就成為王船祭典的最初典型。然而,隨著時間演進,人們賦予王船的形象開始改變。由過去居人皆閉戶避之的害怕,過度到今日舉城相送的崇敬;送王船也從逐水漂流遊地河的方式,轉變成燃燒後遊天河的型態。今日,王船祭典在台灣地區發展出豐富的多樣性,本文列舉西港、東港與澎湖的王船祭典做為代表。 再者,進入論文的核心重點之一,檢視王船祭典中的反常行為,其內容包括約束的禁忌與放縱的反常儀禮。禁忌是維繫王船祭典順利進行的無形力量,其對象分別是神聖的與不潔的。禁忌一般都是內隱的心理行為,但在王船祭典中卻可以觀察到外顯的禁忌表徵。王船祭典期間,可以清楚看到禁忌的開始與結束;相對於禁忌,反常儀禮鬆開人類的桎梏,讓人類可以在這段時間中進行違反正常社會價值觀的行為,例如:不眠、過食、爭搶、玩樂、毀壞物品、過分耗費、角色對換、自願受罰等等,這些平時不允許的行為,在王船祭典中都發生了。 最後,進入論文的核心重點之二,檢視王船祭典中反常行為的社會意義。反常行為令人聯想到不雅的舉止、怪異的行為,然而王船祭典中的反常行為適時的調整社會現況,對社會有正面價值,本文將從個人、社群、制度、文化、宗教等方面一一說明。


This thesis takes Wang Ye Boat ceremony as a model, records its rituals of rebellion and discusses its social significance. At first, this thesis discusses the significance and the characteristic of the rituals of rebellion and then demonstrates the case from the human culture and the traditional ceremony activities. Rituals of rebellion in traditional ceremony activities may generally divided into two kinds:First, “taboo” ,the thing which usually can do but prohibits in the ceremony. Second, “rites of reversal”, the behavior which usually prohibits but allows even encourages in the specific ceremony. Secondly, this thesis discovers the origin, the evolution, and the present situation of the Wang Ye Boat ceremony. Wang Ye Boat ceremony is the most special traditional belief in the coastal area of southeast China and the southwest of Taiwan. People believes that the origin of Wang Ye Boat ceremony is related with ancient China nuo(儺). Nuo is a mystical rite which can repel the plague ghost. When Nuo integrate with ship culture, it becomes the initial model of Wang Ye Boat ceremony. However, by the time past, the image of Wang Ye Boat ceremony starts to change—turns the fear to the worship and also transforms drifting Wang Ye Boat to burning Wang Ye Boat. Today, we may observe many kinds of Wang Ye Boat ceremonies. This thesis enumerates Xi-gang; Dong-gang, and Pescadores for representative of Wang Ye Boat ceremony. Thirdly, this thesis inspects rituals of rebellion in the Wang Ye Boat ceremony including taboo and the rites of reversal. The taboo is the invisible strength which maintains Wang Ye Boat ceremony carries on smoothly. Taboo is psychological behaviors which are difficult to observe, but in Wang Ye Boat ceremony some taboo are obvious to find out. Opposite to taboo, the rituals of reversal releases humanity's shackles and allows people doing some behaviors which violate the normal social values such as stay up all night(even if very tired)、eat food overmuch(even if very full)、snatch、play all day、destroy things、consume eat excessively 、role exchange、spontaneously accept the punishment(even if has not made mistakes). Finally, this thesis discusses the significance of rituals of rebellion. The rituals of rebellion often associates with the inelegant manner and the strange behavior, but rituals of rebellion in Wang Ye Boat ceremony may change present social conditions. This thesis will explain Wang Ye Boat ceremony from different aspects including: individual spiritual life、community relations、social system、artistic performance, and religion.


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