

以「療傷系槍械」為研究論述撰寫主題,從創作者的角度對於社會職場現況所做的觀察為基礎,剖析個人在2007年至2010年間作品發展過程及創作思維模式。其實個人在此時期所面臨諸項思考議題而衍生的創作思維,目的也不是要找尋所謂的真正解答,而是試圖釐清個人的探究經驗,期待著未來可以延伸各項的可能性。 第一章關於「我」這個人,是從我的人格特質與工作背景條件下探討後而慢慢衍生出的創作動機,基層在工作職場裡所遇到的科層壓迫、人事糾紛、派系鬥爭、體制空洞時。面對著對於種種黑暗面所產的無力感、危機感,漸漸累積而衍化成「縱使束手無策也不想任人宰割」的「療傷系槍械」情操。 第二章創作背景思想之根源,是創作核心理論也是作品發展的依據,「療傷系槍械」 是如何著力於阿Q精神勝利法,及「療傷系槍械」是怎麼積極與環境做出對應,最後「療傷系槍械」再介入社會後,與社會上的犬儒處世精神會是怎麼樣的對應。都是此章節所著力的探索重點。 第三章手法及形式,透過手法及展呈形式的深究,分別針對「槍械」、「槍盒」、「瞄準遊戲」這三項來做逐項解說創作理念上的區別及訴求,說明當初是由什麼現實事件所引發創作,而指涉的意義是什麼?互動是什麼? 第四章結論,是提出個人作品的概念來進行比照及論述,作品內容上皆由想像式的暴力投射來貫穿。提醒著自己的反抗姿態,遊走想像與現實間來達成某種新的權力制衡,理性的抗爭而同時也夾帶著點唯美的浪漫。交叉論證後還是回歸到哲學性的問題。就是在這種所謂的反抗遊戲裡成就的究竟是阿Q還是鬥士,游走在有用與無用、真有用、真無用的地帶,最終的價值顯現還是取決於個人。同時也延伸作品最後的訴求來做探討,當時只是一個小小的開端,像是一個日記式的職場抗爭紀實,最後去操作這個「事件」來進行藝術本體論的探討。試著去做個「立即有用」的藝術,因為藝術好像早被這社會的功利主義判了死刑,我只好搭著社會普羅價值的線,用社會普羅價值的語言,來訴說我的藝術創作。 透過文字歸納,反覆的去整理自己,回顧歷年來的作品,讓自己慢慢釐清創作時的心境,與過程中的轉變,希望透過文字的流通性,說明創作與生活密不可分的關係,透過這樣的書寫練習,讓自己獲得一種冷靜思維的方式。


療傷系 阿Q精神勝利法 犬儒 槍械


Taking the “Healing Style Weapon” as the topic, this thesis is based on the observation of social working place from author’s perspective, to analyze the author’s creating and thinking process from 2007 to 2010. In fact, the object of creative pattern when the author faces these several issues in this period is not to search the real solution, but to make the personal exploring experience clear. The First Chapter is about “me,” from the author’s background of personality and work, such as the oppression of hierarchy, the disputation and struggles between different branches, and loose of educational structure, to explore the creative motive. Chapter Two is the theory in this thesis, and also the basis of this work to present how “Healing Style Weapon”to exert Yu Aq the spiritual victory, and how to makes the correspondence with the environment positively. Later, it discusses profoundly how it corresponds to Cynics in the society when “Healing Style Weapon” is involved in the society. The third chapter focuses on technique and the form. Through exploring the technical and formal development, it aims at “the firearms,” “the gun box” and “the aiming games” separately. These three items are illustrated one by one in the creation, to show what the realistic events initiate them, and what they signify and further how they interact with each other. The fourth chapter conclusion, is proposed individual work concept carries on according to and the elaboration, in the work content all passes through by the imagination -like violence projection.Is reminding own revolt posture, walks randomly the imagination and the reality achieves some new authority to keep in balance, but the rational resistance simultaneously also is smuggling an only beautiful romantic.After the overlapping proof returns to the philosophy question.Actually is in this kind of so-called revolt game the achievement is Arab League Q or the warrior, walks randomly in useful and useless, really useful, the really useless region, the final value appearance is decided by individual.Simultaneously also extends the work final demand to make the discussion, at that time was only a small beginning, was likely a diary -like work place resistance on-the-spot report, finally operated this “the event” to carry on the artistic ontology the discussion.Tries to make “is useful immediately” art, because art has been sentenced probably early by this society's utilitarianism the death penalty, I have to build the social proletariat value line, with the social proletariat value language, relates my artistic creation. The penetration writing induction, the relapse reorganizes oneself, the review over the years work, lets when the oneself slowly thousandth of a Yuan clear creation the mood, with the process in transformation, hoped the penetration writing the conductivity, showed creates and lives the inseparable relations, penetrates such written practice, lets oneself obtain one kind of calm thought the way.


1. 羅森堡(Harold Rosenber)著,錢正珠/謝東山 譯,《藝術品與包裝》,遠流出版社,民87年
2. 葉舟,《莊子的智慧》,文經閣出版社(創智代理),民97年
3. 赫伯特•馬庫色(Herbert Marcuse)著,高志仁 譯,《反革命與反叛》,立緒出版社,民90年
4. 埃茲昂尼•哈利維(Eva Etzioni Halevy)著, 吳友明 譯,《官僚政治與民主》,桂冠出版社,民87年


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