  • 學位論文


A Study on the Meanings of Mingtang in the Dili Xinshu

指導教授 : 邱博舜


「明堂」一直是千古聚訟的問題,但一直以來多從「禮」的層面討論其存在的意義,鮮少有從「俗」的制約進行討論。「明堂」在風水成形的唐宋時期,普遍地以取意禮制建築精神意涵的姿態,存在於風水環境之操作信念中。然就風水知識體系而言,「明堂」並沒有明確的形構討論過程,這使得明堂在葬事文化中的意涵,一直以模糊的形而上概念呈現。 本文擇取《地理新書》,是一本雜揉禮與俗的北宋時期葬事文化官書,就風水明堂的類別、明堂領域建構方式、堂祭台涵構等議題進行討論。初先以《地理新書》之概論為出發,再以《地理新書》之〈五音向圖〉、〈祭壇立標圖〉為明堂討論對象,並令〈五音向圖〉、〈祭壇立標圖〉疊合,以總整風水明堂在葬事文化中的意涵。 《地理新書》之明堂類別,同時具有穴前坦地般的「砂山明堂」及祭壇形制般的「明堂地心」兩類明堂。其在坦明、祭場或祭台的性格與功能上多與天子明堂有所呼應。然「砂山明堂」在此時多是因藉神煞系統,辨析格局之吉凶,而「明堂地心」除具有立中的意涵,在兆域合理範圍的確認儀式中,亦佔有重要地位。 在各類明堂之各別討論後,筆者再令〈五音向圖〉、〈祭壇立標圖〉疊合,使「砂山明堂」、「明堂地心」組構呈現三層的神祇領域結構,再配合五音姓利之擇地方法,不難發現其「地、人、天」的小宇宙結構關係。


地理新書 明堂


Mingtang, a thousand years thesis, people discussed its meanings of existence mostly in“rite”coverage and seldom in“custom”condition.While geomancy was formed in Tang and Sung, Mingtang was generally existed in geomantic belief as spiritual implication of rites architecture.For geomantic knowledge system, there has no process of definite discussion about Mingtang formation. This brought Mingtang an indistinct, metaphysical image in funeral culture implication. Through the adoption of the Dili Xinshu―an official funeral book which amalgamated rites and customs in the Northern Song Dynasty, the paper is discussion about Ming-tong issues, such as geomantic types, construction methods of ambit, context of ritual table.The discussion begins with Dili Xinshu, and then examine and lap two figures of the Dili Xinshu―“Five Cadence and Direction fig.”and“Ritual Table Mark fig.”for integrating ambit context of Mingtang geomancy in funeral culture. In the Dili Xinshu, the types of Mingtang include“turned mountain”and“ground center”―the former is like flat surrounded by mountains, the latter is like ritual table figuration. Their qualities and functions mostly agree with dynast Mingtang.However, the“turned mountain”type usually means fortune discrimination by propitious and baleful gods system, and“ground center”type not only has the implication of center, but also plays an important role in sustainable ritual of fair omen area. After single discussion of each type, the above two figures are lapped again so the“turned mountain”and“ground center”Mingtang can combine and offer three-level economy of divinity ambit. Plus the land selection based on five surnames cadence, the small cosmos relationship between“heaven, terra and human”is not very hard to be found.


Dili Xinshu Mingtang


1996 Ming-tang:Cosmology, Political Order and Monuments in Early China.
