  • 學位論文


A Study on the Stone-carving Master of Shih,Hong-Yi

指導教授 : 江韶瑩


臺灣傳統石雕產業隨著時空的變遷逐漸凋零,已幾乎被大陸廉價粗製的石雕所取代,然而更令人擔憂的是現存傳統打石匠師在專業知識承傳上的斷層;由於這些傳統匠師大多年事已高,其所承載的知識體系將漸蕩然無存,因此,對於臺灣本地打石匠師的完整調查與研究是刻不容緩的。 基於上述動機,本研究將以傳統打石匠師施弘毅先生為主要研究對象,施先生1942年生於台南,15歲進入三峽祖師廟隨父施天福先生學習石雕,17歲出師後便與父親一起承攬台灣中南部寺廟石雕工程直至退休,長達三十多年的打石生涯見證了台灣自戰後至民國八十幾年傳統打石產業的興衰。本研究以透過口述歷史與相關文獻的蒐集去建構其生命史、習藝過程、時代背景,現存作品的題材、風格、造型與分布,以及工匠組織、工程承攬等面向。 過去關於打石匠師的研究較少談論到工匠組織與作品呈現的互動關係;傳統打石匠師與其他門類匠師相較,更著重於工匠團體的組成與分工,因此,釐清工匠組織的演變與相互間關係的研究是必要之課題。此外,本文也將針對田野調查所得與前述研究相結合,建構其相關史料與脈絡,順著時間的發衍從其面向進行交叉分析與討論,並從中歸結臺灣傳統打石業興衰的原因,以重構臺灣打石業發展的時空背景。


The traditional Taiwanese stone carving industry has been disappearing and gradually being replaced by the low cost labor and cheap materials from Mainland China. What is even more worrisome is that most of the stone-carving masters/technicians are aging; the wealth of the knowledge they possess is therefore approaching extinction. It really brings the awareness of how to continue passing on the traditional Taiwanese stone carving techniques and knowledge from the masters to the future generation. Therefore, it is vitally important to conduct a comprehensive study/research on the Taiwanese stone-carving technicians. Based on the background aforementioned, I have selected Mr. SHIH Hong-Yi to be the focus of my study because he had over 30 years of experience and had witnessed the highs and lows of the stone-carving industry since postwar until the 1990s. Mr. SHIH was born in Tainan in 1942. When he was 15 years old, he accompanied his father, Mr. SHIH Tian-Fu, to San-Xia Zhu-Shi temple to learn the stone-carving techniques. Mr. SHIH Hong-Yi completed the learning when he was 17 years old. Soon after, the father and son started the stone-carving business together. They worked on the temples in the southern and central part of Taiwan for over 30 years. My study is based on Mr. SHIH Hong-Yi’s narrative version of the historical events and cross-referenced by relevant documents researched. I was able to construct Mr. SHIH biography which includes the historical/cultural background, his learning process of becoming a stone-carving technician, the style and inspiration of his works, the design and the specific locations of the preserved works, and dynamic among stone-carving technicians of the same team, and how individual project is being handled. The topic about how the relations among the technicians may affect the quality of the final work is rarely explored; therefore it is one of the main interests of my study.Compared to technicians of other industry, the traditional stone-carving technicians especially value their team member composition and each member's job assignment for any given project. Therefore, it became necessary to better understand how the technician team has developed and the interactions among the team members. Furthermore, by combining the results from the field studies and the aforementioned researches about technician teamwork, we are able to develop a system with strong historical references; thus a chronological cross-referencing and detailed analysis/discussions can take place.With a systematic approach, it becomes possible to understand the causes for the Taiwanese stone-carving industry to thrive or weaken, and then we can rebuild the Taiwanese stone-carving industry and return to its heyday.


王式能 編
1993 《惠安石雕》,福建:福建省出版總社。
王建柱 撰稿主編
1982 《鹿港手工藝》,鹿港:鹿港文物維護地方發展促進委員會出版。

