  • 學位論文


A Study on the Manipulation System of Fengshui in Contemporary Taiwanese Home Living

指導教授 : 邱博舜


「陽宅風水」深刻地影響國人對於居住環境構成的種種安排,一直以來,在建築領域有著廣泛的實踐活動,儘管風水是始於傳統社會文化的產物,各時代卻未曾停止加以「風水」的角度來實踐住宅的空間構成。當今日常生活中你我之間,風水書裡的方位禁忌、各種形煞;命理節目中招財、改運的佈局擺設;水晶石的神祕能量等,都是現代可見的民間風水信仰。而目前社會上所流行的風水知識、禁忌等等,由於改造應用詮釋的不同,呈現著紊亂、是非莫辨的局面,常令一般民眾以至於學者無以切適的對應之。 對此當代風水所存在的問題,研究應客觀地掌握其內涵並了解其理論來源。因此,本研究挑選了當代(1987-2007年間)所出版四十本專論陽宅的書籍,以文獻統計數量高低比對以及與傳統陽宅風水典籍參照的方法耙梳。透過本研究可以了解,當代居家風水之理論,有直接引用、轉化自傳統陽宅典籍教義的部分,以及當代自行衍生的部分。而更重要的是,這些理論關係背後所隱含的意義:當代延續了傳統陽宅風水什麼樣的觀念,延續與改變的機制如何表現,並呈現出如何不同於傳統的新面貌。 分析得知,普遍性較高之當代居家風水規範多具典籍的理論根源,顯示陽宅空間的操作仍必須依賴風水典籍的知識,此群組亦體現出風水思想下,我國民族對人居環境恆久不變的空間觀念及模式喜好。而許多普遍性較低,無典籍引證之當代居家風水規範,則著重於現代的室內空間應用,為現代住宅風水化之表現。此群組顯示出,當代風水實踐者,面對西化的住宅形態,無論是空間單元,或是室內常用的擺設物品如植栽、畫作等,以傳統風水陰陽五行、八卦、命理等術數理論為依據,結合建築、室內設計理論,加以轉化而應用的結果,演化出許多不同於傳統典籍中的風水規範。


“Yan Chai Feng Shui” has deeply influenced various residential arrangements in living environments, and has been extensively practiced throughout time. Although Feng Shui starts as a traditional cultural product in Chinese society, it has been utilized in housing space arrangement in all eras. Nowadays, Feng Shui’s position taboos, various evil spirits, house arrangements and decoration for the change of fortune, and mysterious energy from crystal stone are all Feng Shui beliefs often seen in modern times. Popular Feng Shui informations and taboos sometimes confuse many people due to different interpretation and constant disputes so that the public and even Feng Shui experts do not even have proper explanation. Current issues concerning Feng Shui shold be objectively studied to grasp its content and understand its theoretical sources. Thus, this paper chooses forty contemporary (from 1987 to 2007) publications that especially focus on Yan Chai discussion, through literature review, statistical analysis and comparison, and traditional Yan Chai Feng Shui ancient book reference. This paper finds that the contemporary theory of residential Feng Shui includes principles directly cited or transformed from raditional Yan Chai ancient rules and the others derived from itself. More importantly, the implications behind these theoies: what concepts have been adopted from traditional Yan Chai Feng Shui concepts, how they continue and change over time, and how they display new features different from traditional ones. The analysis shows that popular residential Feng Shui principles in modern times mostly are based upon ancient theory, indicating that Yan Chai space management still depends on Feng Shui ancient knowledge. This phenomenon implies the Chinese space concept and preferred models of their living environment. For those unpopular untraditional residential Feng Shui principles, indoor space use is emphasized to present modern residential Feng Shui, indicating that Feng Shui practitioners who deal with Western residential housing styles, space elements or indoor decoration objects such as plants and paintings, based on theories from traditional Feng Shui Yin Yan concepts of five element, eight trigrams and numerology and combined with architecture and indoor design, can be transformed and applied in Yan Chai Feng Shui. Many Feng Shui principles different from traditional ones are therefore evolved.


Nissen, LuAnn and Ray Faulkner Sarab Faulkner
