  • 學位論文


From Knowledge Transmission to Co-constructing Participation−A Case Study of MOCA Taipei “Artist-in-School Program”

指導教授 : 廖仁義


本文旨在探討當美術館與學校相遇時,透過雙方對知識傳遞的不同思維與模式,並藉由館校合作計劃進行時,是否將促進學生藝術感知能力的提升,進而培養到美術館的參訪意願,如同法國社會學家布爾迪厄曾揭示「藝術感知能力將成為是否參訪博物館的重要因素」。 研究採用個案研究法,並輔助深度訪談與問卷調查作為資料蒐集工具,藉以探究台北當代藝術館與建成國中所合作之「藝術家駐校計劃」的執行過程,對於參與其中的美術館、藝術家與學校三者之間,所產生的回饋、影響與互動關係,同時建立其合作的流程與架構。此外,更進一步援引布爾迪厄之論述為參照,探究美術館藉此計劃與學校的場域空間、學生的藝術感知能力是否形成關聯。而本文主要獲致的研究回應如以下三個層面: 1.美術館與學校的合作計劃,將促成雙方達到知識體與資源面的共享,並增進學童的藝術感知能力,進而回饋至親近美術館本身;而學校則獲得來自館方社會資源的挹注,得以延伸與拓展教育層面的寬度,彼此形成互惠的合作循環。 2.美術館透過「藝術家駐校計劃」作為在地連結的新管道,藉由擾動不同場域空間之下的連結關係,觸動與提升當地社群對於藝術的觀感,並拓展美術館於社會上的功能與定位。 3.對案例中的各方參與者而言,這將是一個從傳遞知識到共構參與的實踐過程,從單方面傳遞思維到互動交流,透過實際的參與過程,共同構築了藝術的無限可能性。 希冀透過本研究呈現美術館從知識傳遞到共構參與的脈絡意義,同時也為其他組織單位帶來參照的可能性。


This thesis includes discussion concerning different knowledge transmitting approaches of art museum and school and the influence upon students’ art perception through the project of museum-school collaboration. It aims to examine the connections among the collaboration, the aesthetic competence of the student, and the willingness of museum going as the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu had concluded that the ability to perceive art will be an important factor to decide on visiting museums. The author uses case study method along with the aid of in-depth interview and questionnaire for data collecting to review the feedback, impact, and interactive relationship among art museum, artist, and school on the Artist-in-School Program collaborated by MOCA Taipei and Jian Cheng Junior High School. Meanwhile, the paper also explains the procedure and structure of the collaboration. Furthermore, this study takes reference to Bourdieu’s discourse to see the how the interrelation is formed within the program. The result of the research can be categories as below: 1.The collaboration between museum and school leads to co-sharing of the knowledge and resources from both parties, and it enhances students’ ability of art perception which attributes to the tendency of museum visiting. As for the school, the depth of education is expended through the social resources from the museum. Thus, the reciprocal cycle is formed. 2.Taking the project as a new approach of localization, the museum changes the dynamic of different fields, relates the local community to a new perception of art, and better fulfills its social function. 3.It is a practice of co-constructing participation and knowledge transmission from many aspects, and it demonstrates the infinite possibilities of art presentation. The author wishes to explore the meaning and influence of knowledge transmission and co-constructing participation of art museums and serves this research as possible references for other organizations.


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Chen, M. J. (2016). 臺北當代藝術館藝術家駐校計畫之影響:以日新國小為例 [master's thesis, Taipei National University of the Arts]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-2806201612465600
