  • 學位論文


Cultural Exhibition, Ethnic Consciousness and Taiwanese politics : "the New Things" such as Hakka Cultural Activities and Facility

指導教授 : 陳其南


在客家運動推動的這二十餘年來,客家文化一直是客家議題中不斷被討論與實踐的主軸,文化活動、講座、學校教育課程、節慶、博物館、學術研究與專書著作如雨後春筍般源源不絕地產出,這些文化產出又與客家族群爭取權益有所關聯。為了釐清這個現象,本文從客家運動及其後的客家政策與民間行動談起,整理客家文化發展相關事業,並聚焦臺北市客家文化主題公園生成過程的相關公共議題討論,以及客家展覽等民間客家文化行動再現,藉由各方面向的話語與議題討論為分析切入,觀看客家族群論述、文化想像及其呈現樣貌,進一步探討戰後臺灣客家族群政治與客家文化再現的關係。 透過梳理可發現,在戰後臺灣族群政治的發展過程中,客家族群以文化作為訴求,藉由文化議題來進行政治行動,強調族群文化的特殊性賦予客家在當代社會中嶄新意義與價值。這意味著客家文化議題背後,所隱含的政治議題與驅動力,過程中客家文化變成符碼般存在,以各種不同形式展演與呈現,如:義民廟、桐花季、博物館、客家節慶,並藉由再現來不斷進行文化建構。此現象亦透露出文化、符碼與概念在當代社會生活的重要性,對文化符碼消費轉換成身份認同一部分,臺灣客家議題的正是在這樣的一個時代背景下生成,或許解釋了文化符碼在客家族群政治議題中的重要性,以及今日客家文化再現具體化過程中所衍生出的各式現象。


文化再現 族群政治 客家 博物館


Over the past three decades of Hakka Movement, Hakka Culture is the most discussed and exercised one among all issues. All the outputs such as cultural activities, lectures, educational programs, festivals, museums, academic studies, and books keep popping out. These outputs are seen to be related to the fight for rights and interests by the Hakka ethnic group. To clarify these phenomena, this study sets out from the discussion concerning ethnic politics of Hakka and their actions and practices. Through analyzing cases of cultural outputs and political issues, especially in the case of the making of Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park, the researcher is able to observe the expanding discourses and imaginations of Hakka ethnic, then discussed the relationship between ethnic politics and cultural representation in postwar Taiwan. This study finds out that as the ethnic politics developing in postwar Taiwan, Hakka ethnic groups had taken culture issues as a kind of political action: to emphasize the unique of Hakka culture, giving the new value and significance. It’s been proved that Hakka cultural issues are politic issues. Moreover, Hakka culture had come into symbols, been performed and represented in forms of Yimin Temples, Tung Blossom Festivals, and museums. By representing those symbols, Hakka ethnic groups are repeatedly reconstructing their culture and identity. Furthermore, this phenomenon shows the importance of culture, symbol, and conception in contemporary society. It means that the consumption of symbols has turned into part of the identity-making process. This had become the specific background that Hakka political/cultural issues derived from; it could partly explain why Hakka cultural issues have taken a role irreplaceable in Hakka ethnic politics, and how those phenomena emerged through the representation and embodiment of Hakka culture.


