  • 學位論文


The Guatong of Taiwan's Traditional Architecture

指導教授 : 江韶瑩


台灣傳統建築的裝飾展現了匠師精巧的技藝,也反映了時代的審美觀,大木架構更富有兼具構材與裝飾性的作用。其中瓜筒依據承重力學原理,為瓜柱與通樑相接之穩定構材,在木作建築結構上是一個相當重要的銜接構件,其形式種類有金瓜筒、木瓜筒、尖峰筒等,在大木構件裡極具造型特色,同時展現出其力學與裝飾的美感,因此瓜筒成為觀看棟架時的視覺焦點,亦為台灣傳統建築大木匠作的特徵之一。 在目前相關研究當中,瓜筒通常附屬在大木的架構下被提及,除為人熟知的金瓜、木瓜造型,或如北港朝天宮三川殿的經典瓜筒,其它關於尺度、接榫、木雕及彩繪內容則較少見有深入的討論;實際上瓜筒除了為主要的垂直構件,裝飾的手法也十分的精彩,在瓜筒上可雕螭虎、老鼠咬瓜、磬牌等紋樣,甚至花果、人物的彩繪圖案。 本研究透過實地田野調查收集的瓜筒造型圖像為主要研究資料,藉由拍攝、測繪記錄台灣傳統建築瓜筒的工藝技藝,並以文獻及圖像學等結合應用,整理各匠師流派之手法、特徵,如構圖分佈或紋樣、色彩等應用原則,並比較瓜筒形制在時代或是地域性的區別及演變,將瓜筒的裝飾做更全面性的統整與分析。


瓜筒 大木構件 木雕 彩繪


Taiwan's traditional architecture, exquisite decoration showing a craftsman skill, but also reflects the aesthetic of the times, a large wooden structure of both materials may be more rich and decorative effect. The basis of which the ‘Guatong’ bearing mechanics for the melon-phase columns and beams of the stable structures through wood, in wood structures is a very important interface elements in the form of tube types with pumpkin, papaya tube, the peak tube, etc., wooden structures in a very characteristic shape, while showing the beauty of the mechanical and decoration, so melon Building frame tube into view when the visual focus of traditional architecture in Taiwan is also one of the characteristics for a large carpenter. In the current research which, guatong is usually a large wooden subsidiary is mentioned under the framework, in addition to well-known pumpkin, papaya shape, or if the house of Pakkang temples Sanchuan classic melon barrel, other on the scale, joints, wood carvings and The content of rare stained-depth discussions; actually melon barrel in addition to the main vertical elements, decorative techniques is also very exciting, can be carved in Guatemala Chi tube tiger, rat bite melon, Qing cards and other patterns, and even flowers fruit characters painted patterns. This study collected through field research are modeling the image as the main cylinder melon research data, by shooting, traditional architecture in Taiwan Kuala mapping cylinder recording process skills, and to integrate science and other documents and image applications, finishing schools for the Craftsman practices, characteristics, distribution, or pattern, such as composition, color applications such principles, and compare the melon or cylindrical system of regional differences in the age and evolution of the melon barrel decoration do a more comprehensive integration and analysis.


1993 建築美學。台北:地景。
2003 中國傳統建築術語辭典。台北:恩楷。
