  • 學位論文


Metropolitan Strategic Development of Cultural Industry Case Study: Policy toward Culture Industry in Taipei

指導教授 : 洪孟啟


1998年世界銀行發佈的「文化與持續發展:行動主題」報告提出,文化為當地 發展提供新的經濟機會,並能加強社會資本與社會凝聚力。文化產業這個概念雖然在 20世紀70年代甚至更早已經被提出,但是文化的經濟功能對一個地區發展經濟發展 的促進,在90年代才被廣泛的關注。 當代都市發展必須與文化產業緊密結合,在文化產業社會的座標地圖中,則串連 著城市文化及經貿活動,人才問相互群聚與脈落關係;連結在地與全球的社會範型, 接合經濟與文化、生產與消費的經濟風貌等都市地景。 台北兼具台灣的首都及全台文化資源的集散地,擁有多元文化及都會城市性格, 但如何運用台北市特有文化特色及資源,形塑城市文化驀盤,並以產業價值的觀點, 串連「產業」與「文化」兩大範疇,促使「城市。文化。產業」三者間對話與融合, 進而提出可行的政策方案,讓台北市在未來發展的趨勢中不缺席,並以永續發展的力 量,面對國際城市問的競爭,是為當務之要。 其研究方向將以消費社會的概念,分析台北市之城市資源,含括人才、空間、舉 辦活動、政府組織之公權力及文化想像,也就是以台北市整體環境的城市形貌作為基 磐,提供北市文化產業政策發展的思考,營造城市基磐與文化產業發展連結,提出文 化產業發展策略的具體行動方案。


In 1998,the World Bank issued a report entitled "Culture in Sustainable Development: Investing in Cultural and Natural Endowments," which proposed that cultural endeavors provide new opportunities for local development, and can strengthen the social capital and the social cohesive force of a city. The concept of "cultural industry" was first put forward in the 1970's, but the idea of using cultural enterprise as a way to develop and promote a local economy did not gain widespread attention until the 1990's. This idea suggests that a contemporary metropolis' development must be closely integrated with cultural industry. In other words, contacts between civic culture and economic activity are established as the elite people in all sectors of society begin to work together for the common end of advancing the city's economic and cultural growth. As Taiwan's capital and its center for collection and distribution of cultural resources, the city of Taipei has a multicultural makeup and a cosmopolitan, urban disposition. But the issue of how to utilize Taipei's unique cultural characteristics and its resources to put together a rich and full civic culture platform, which has economic/industrial value, requires the establishment of contacts between the city's "industry" and the city's "culture." This report proposes a feasible policy plan for Taipei to continue its strong cultural and economic development and to face international interurban competition. The research direction of this report is that it follows models of consumer culture by first analyzing the resources of Taipei, including the available artistic and cultural talent, space, and activities (events and festivals). It also addresses official city organizations, public authority of government-run organization, the cultural imagination of Taipei, and the appearance and environment of Taipei. The report then provides perspective on cultural industry policy development in Taipei, based on the overall cultural/social/economic structure of the city. It is hoped that the city base and cultural industry will develop strategies and embark upon active projects for Culture Industry in Taipei.


Theodor W. Adorno著(1998),李紀舍譯,《文化與社會一文化工業再探》,台北:立緒。
Bennett, Tony. Emmison, Michael, and Frow, John. 1999.Accounting for Taste. Melbourne.
Pp.211-44 in Hannah Arendt(ed.).Illuminations.London. Fontana.
Terry Eagleton著(2002),The Idea of Cultural,林志忠譯,《文化的理念》,台北:巨流。


