  • 學位論文


The Study of Marketing Strategies for Private Arts training Institutions of China: A Case of Fuzhou Jin Tai Yang Arts Training School

指導教授 : 于國華


近年中國大陸藝術培訓市場蓬勃發展,使得該行業市場競爭越加激烈,不少中小型藝術培訓機構產生招生難、生源不足的問題。本研究旨於探討大陸民辦藝術培訓機構的行銷策略,選擇在福州市少兒藝術培訓行業中具規模的福州金太陽藝術培訓學校為研究個案,採質性研究,運用個案研究法、深度訪談法,輔以文獻分析,探討其經營理念、行銷策略,了解個案學校在執行行銷策略時所面臨的困境及其解決方法。 個案學校在經營理念上以「用愛辦教育,用心教孩子」為辦學宗旨,堅持「專職、專業、專注、專心」的服務理念。在經營過程中,個案學校的行銷困境依據發展歷程,可以分為三個階段:孵化期、發展期、管理期,每個階段都有其難點,包含產品定位、顧客關係建立、內部人員管理、流程管理、公共關係等。 依據服務業行銷7P理論分析個案學校之行銷策略,發現具有以下特點: 一、培訓機構的市場定位較為明確,突出核心產品特色;二、保障穩定的教學品質,以建立品牌形象;三、提供顧客感知價格,由低到高,以供不同消費者選擇;四、從顧客便利性角度出發,規劃行銷通路;五、提供多元的推廣方式與消費者進行有效溝通;六、重視員工培訓,塑造良好的企業文化;七、建立規範化制度,完善管理;八、制定標準化服務流程;九、重視藝術培訓機構有形實體證據的呈現;十、持續關注顧客需求,建立顧客信任。


Chinese arts training markets are booming in recent years, market competition has become increasingly fierce there. Many small and medium-sized arts training institutions are still facing the problem of insufficient enrollment. This study aims to explore the marketing strategy of private arts training institutions in China, looking at the case Fuzhou Jin Tai Yang arts training school. In particular, this study focused on the management concept, marketing strategy and addressed the difficulties in the implementation of Fuzhou Jin Tai Yang arts training school marketing strategy. The study employs qualitative research, case study method, in-depth interviews, supplemented by document analysis. Fuzhou Jin Tai Yang arts training school management concept is teaching with heart, persisting “full-time, professional, focused, concentrate” services. The Jin Tai Yang arts training school can be divided the three stages of marketing difficulties in the management process: incubation period, development period, management period, at every stage has its difficulties, containing product positioning, customer relationship, internal personnel management, process management, public relations. Consequently, Fuzhou Jin Tai Yang arts training school marketing strategy characteristics are outlined: (1) market positioning is more clear, highlight the core product features. (2) guarantee the stability of teaching quality and establish the brand image. (3) providing customers perceive value from low to high for the different consumers choice. (4) from customers convenience perspective for planning marketing places. (5) providing diverse ways to promote effective communication with consumers. (6) emphasis on staff training and creating a good corporate culture. (7) establishing a standardized system to improving management. (8) development of standardized service processes. (9) emphasis on physical evidence presented of arts training institution. (10) sustaining attention to customer needs, building customer trust.


Andrews(1971). The concept of Corporate Strategy. Homewood: Dow Jones-Irwin.
