  • 學位論文


Notions of Culture in Museum Exhibitions: Cases Study of Exhibition Hall of the Austronesian Peoples of Taiwan, NTM and NMP

指導教授 : 王嵩山


人類學博物館展示的演變,代表展示規劃者與被展示者關係的改變,也代表博物館的反省與實踐。博物館作為一種文化機制,其結構與意義受社會文化體系的形塑,因時而異,且博物館對資料的掌握與知識的詮釋,以及採用何種修辭等涉及知識詮釋者的文化背景,也涉及被展示者所處的社會文化脈絡。本文主要關懷:博物館作為文化表徵系統,再現原住民文化時,採取怎樣的觀點。本文以兩個方向進行討論,一為外在氛圍,討論臺灣的博物館與人類學發展;一則探討展示規劃團隊的學科訓練,看其關注文化中的哪個面向,且如何融合內外部觀點再現於展示中。分析的取徑使用歷史人類學(historical anthropology)與詮釋人類學(interpretive anthropology)的概念,透過文獻資料的整理分析、展示規劃團隊的訪談與展示評論等方法,理解展示所呈現的文化觀(notions of culture),並以國立臺灣博物館與國立臺灣史前文化博物館的臺灣原住民展示廳為例。臺博館承傳1980年代以前民族誌書寫風格,著重傳統原住民社會文化樣貌的「忠實」與「客觀」的記錄,提供觀眾對原住民的「基礎」認識,展覽方式類似一本書或圖錄;史前館則以1990-2000年間的民族誌為主,留意變遷在展示主軸中的位置,呈現歷史脈絡下的文化變遷,並試圖詮釋文化的內在邏輯。兩者代表不同時期的學科關懷與文化觀。透過對展示文化觀的檢視,本研究提供博物館文化展示的一個思考面相。


The exhibition development of anthropology museum represents the change of relationship between curators and the exhibited and the retrospect and practice of the museum. Museum as a cultural institution, its structure and meaning are formatted by the social cultural system according the time. In addition, the information control, knowledge interpretation of museum, and rhetoric application are relevant to the cultural backgrounds of the knowledge interpreters and the social cultural tread where the exhibitors exist. This article majorly focuses on: as the cultural symbolizing system, what kind of perspective the museum should adopt while reappear the aboriginal culture. This article processed the discussion from two dimensions, one is the external atmosphere, the development of museum and anthropology was discussed; the other is the examination of professional training of arranging groups, focused on which aspect it concerns in the culture and how to integrate internal and external aspects and reappear them in the exhibition. The analysis approaches are historical anthropology and interpretive anthropology. Through the arrangement and analysis of documentations, arranging group interviews, and comments on exhibitions to identify the notions of culture which appear in the exhibitions and took examples of National Taiwan Museum, National Museum of Prehistory, and Exhibition Hall of the Austronesian People of Taiwan. NTM has inherited the writing style of ethnography before 1980, which emphasizes on the faithful and objective records of traditional aboriginal social and cultural patterns, and provides the audience with basic knowledge of aboriginals. The exhibition pattern resembles in a book or picture dictionary; while the NMP is based on the ethnography during 1990 to 2000, focuses on the position of transition in the main shaft of the exhibition, presents the cultural transition under historical thread, and attempts to interpret the inner logic of culture. These two represent the subject concerns and notions of culture in different period of time. This study provided a thinking pattern for cultural exhibition in museums through the examination of exhibiting notions of culture.


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