  • 學位論文

成人國標舞恰恰恰(cha cha cha)暖身教學活動之發展與實施

The Development and Implementation of Warm Up in Ballroom Dance Cha Cha Cha for Adults

指導教授 : 平珩


國標舞於臺灣發展已逾一甲子,九○年代起開始廣泛流行於各年齡層,該舞蹈的學習亦由簡易的社交步伐漸演變為更精深之技巧性舞步。依研究者自身學舞經驗,國內之國標舞教學顯少具完整暖身活動,因此引發研究者對國標舞暖身教學活動之探究。 本研究旨在發展適合成人初學者學習國標舞恰恰恰的暖身活動,期望透過暖身活動的設計與施實,減低學員於學舞時的運動傷害,提升國標舞恰恰恰之教學效益。根據恰恰恰之身體部位運用 、基本動作特性與暖身的原則,編排適用於成人初學者之恰恰恰之暖身教學活動。本研究採用行動研究法,於臺北市快樂推廣中心(化名)進行為期九週之教學,採質性資料蒐集,透過課堂錄影記錄、教師課後省思日誌、十位學員之回饋單及課後心得分享、觀察員之建議,修正教學內容。 本研究結果如下: 一、成人初學者國標舞恰恰恰之暖身活動設計原則: (一)以身體檢視、覺察開啟課程,暖身也暖心。 (二)編排與主要課程關連性高的動作。 (三)融入身體結構的教學,增進學習效能。 (四)暖身流程應循序漸進。 二、促進成人初者暖身活動之教學要點: (一)教師可善用意象增進學員動作表現。 (二)以輔助器具協助學員體會、做出動作。 (三)適時安排雙人互動及組合增進課堂氣氛、提升學習效果。 (四)教師個別調整有助學員破除自我設限之心態。 三、學員學習效益: (一)提升對細部動作的覺察,使動作過程更精緻。 (二)改善肌肉協調性,增進舞蹈動作的展現。 (三)增進體位排列並減低動作時的不適感,使動作更流暢。


國標舞 恰恰恰 暖身 行動研究


Ballroom dance has been developed over sixty years in Taiwan since 1990s, it became a popularized dance form to all ages. The dance, was named social dance, has now been changed to ─International ballroom dance.∥ From the researcher’s experience, the dance class for International ballroom dance in Taiwan seldom began in a well warm up. Therefore it inspired the researcher to explore the proper warm up before ballroom dance class. The aim of the research is to develop warm up for ballroom dance cha cha cha in adult class at beginner level. The researcher hopes to reduce dance injury and increase the effect of better teaching by the implementation of the research. The warm up activity was based on the characteristics of the dance, the basic technique in cha cha cha, as well as the principle of conducting warm up. Action research method was applied in nine-week practical teaching. The target was a group of ten students of Happy Outreach Center for Arts and Educational (a pseudo name) in Taipei City. The researcher analyzed the datas collected from the video recordings of the class, the teaching log, observer’s suggestions, and the feedback from students.   Below are the results from the research: I.Principle of the activity design: A. Using the body awareness including self-exam and sensing to start the class, it would not only warm up the body but also the mind. B. Designing movements closely related to the characteristics of cha cha cha. C. Integrating the teaching of body structure into warm up to increase the better effects of the course design. D. Awareness of procure of Warming up is important. II. Teaching method: A. Using imagery in teaching could help students’ performance. B. Using related teaching equipment could assist students to sense the movements' quality. C. Arranging some exercises in couples enhanced the atmosphere in classroom and increased the effects of later partner teaching. D. Individual correction can help students to break limits on themselves. III. Students’ benefits: A. Proper warm-up helps students to gain more awareness on their body and movements. B. Warm-up exercise helps the coordination of muscles and makes students perform better. C. Awareness of body alignment reduces students’ uneasiness while dancing and helps them to dance fluently.


Ballroom Dance Cha Cha Cha Warm up Action Research


林昕翰、畢璐鑾(2010)。社區大學舞蹈課程休閒效益之研究─ 以台北市社區大學為例。嘉大體育健康休閒,9(2),82-94。
