  • 學位論文


The Changing Meaning of the Cultural Heritage:From Taijiang Ecological and Cultural Zone to Taijang National Park

指導教授 : 林會承


臺南沿海地區,自古稱為「台江」,台江過去曾是先民渡臺重要航道入口與登陸地,數百年來歷經荷治(1624-1661)、明鄭(1661-1683)、清代(1683-1895)、日治時期(1895-1945),不僅保留了原住民文化的珍貴歷史遺跡,也是漢民族渡臺較早墾殖的地區之一,見證了臺灣早期開發史,代表著臺灣先民「冒險犯難」與「拓墾開創」的人文精神,而具有豐富歷史文化資產的地區,卻一直不被受重視。2002(民國91)年原臺南市政府將眾多文化旅遊資源按照其歷史背景劃設成八大文化園區,台江生態文化園區因應而生。2009(民國98)年由地方政府長期推動下而成立了臺灣第八座國家公園─「台江國家公園」。 本研究欲瞭解台江地區從「台江生態文化園區」時期到更名後之「台江國家公園」時期,文化資產因保護方式與態度的不同而產生的意義轉變,透過文獻回顧、田野調查及訪談,檢視政府及民間對該區域保存的實踐與詮釋,確認二時期主管機關對文化資產的定位及作為。 研究成果顯示台江生態文化園區時期因著重於文化觀光行銷,忽視了對範圍內其他文化資源之調查研究。此時期的規劃為政府主導,並未與居民溝通,因此居民大都不曉得而未積極參與;台江國家公園則是在成立之時積極對區域內自然資源與人文資料進行全面性的基礎調查,並特別強調與居民的共生機制,透過家園守護圈、諮詢委員會、國家公園周邊地區管理計畫,以社區參與為原則來推動地方文化資產的保存;台江國家公園的成立,具有比台江生態文化園區更充裕的經費與管理資源,人力及園區人員具有對文化而資產相關方面的專業性,保存環境較台江生態文化園區時期更有活力,藉以帶動地區觀光產業發展,提升台江地區生活品質,增加就業機會。台江生態文化園區時期的文化資產被作為發展觀光的商品;而台江國家公園時期的文化資產則是逐漸朝向地方上的文化資產作為發展。


Taijiang﹐the ocean border of Tainan, was once an important landing dock for our ancestors. For hundreds of years, through Dutch rule (1624-1661), Kingdom of Tungning (1661-1683), the Ching Dynasty ruling period (1683-1895), and Japanese colonial period (1895-1945), Taijiang has kept its native culture. Taijiang is also one of Han people’s early cultivations in Taiwan. Representing both our ancestors’ hardship and fighting spirit, Taijiang has become an area of rich historical value. Furthermore, with the passing of Tainan government’s willingness to push forward areas with valuable historical content in 2002, Taijiang has made its spot as Taijiang Ecological and Cultural Zone. Then in 2009 through long-term government planning, Taijiang has made itself known as Taiwan’s eighth national park. This research is to evaluate the positions and actions to culture heritage from the relevant authorities during Taijiang’s transition from Taijiang Ecological and Cultural Zone to Taijang National Park by reviewing other relative papers、fieldwork and interview. The results of our research show that the management of Taijiang Ecological and Cultural Zone was focused more on promoting tourism while less effort was put into cultural research. This era period has been led by government officials without the consent of locals’ opinions. Hence, the locals were unaware and unable to participate. Fortunately, when Taijang National Park is named, a strong research on both natural and human resources was conducted. The participation of locals was also emphasized through community circles, advisory committee, and management plans for the surrounding areas of national park. By using the community as the fundamental basis to push forward the preservation of cultural resource, the transition to Taijang National Park has made better financial and resourceful progress than its previous era. The professionalism of personnel has improved and tourism has increased. Even unemployment rate has dropped. Taijiang Ecological and Cultural Zone was using its cultural resources as a product to lure tourism, but Taijang National Park is using its cultural resources as a key to open our local treasures.


2013 《大臺南的前世今生》。臺南市政府文化局。
2012 〈臺南各文化園區之發展沿革與未來展望〉《研考雙月刊》36:98-103。


