  • 學位論文

Live House與臺灣音樂產業之互動關係探討

A Study on Functions of Live House in Taiwan

指導教授 : 于國華


台灣音樂產業在2000年之後,產生極大變化。第一、新載體和新流通方式出現,實體唱片銷售快速萎縮。第二、現場演出活動增加,成為音樂產業重要營收來源。除了大型演唱會或節慶活動,Live House也成為台灣音樂現場演出之重要場景,無論是主流或獨立都回到此場域,並不再如同以往只是小眾樂迷流連的場所。 Live House容納量雖然不如小巨蛋等大型場館可觀,但這樣的場地給了音樂表演者與創作者基礎的發表平台,在市場結構轉變的此刻給市場底層的萌芽、各種類型音樂的碰撞提供了一個空間,這樣的空間是否使得表演者有所助益,是否對於音樂產業有所回饋,Live House能發揮何等影響?即是本研究之焦點。 本研究將對於Live House的經營群以及曾於Live House演出之表演者做研究對象,輔以過去相關Live House之文獻之爬梳以建構研究之完整性,分別以研究對象本身、Live House與市場上、下游,意即產業供需兩方,做為討論探索面向,希望能夠重新發現時代更迭下Live House對音樂產業所扮演之角色與功能之可能。 至此,本研究之結論為:Live House安排創新、前衛節目的同時又得兼顧市場票房,使此其場域發揮幾種實質功能,讓創新、新興的團體能經由舞台的發聲,得到市場測試與自我成長的機會,並發揮中介、守門人等角色,讓主流與非主流音樂的市場資源也能在此互利共生。 另本研究認為Live House的存在,對於流行音樂產業的創新、培育都有積極意義,研究結果也可提供未來政府建制大型場館以及音樂產業從業者的參考,在政策思考上應能將其視為音樂產業「育成中心」,將之視為市場培育的重要一環。


Since 2000, the music industry of Taiwan faced enormous changes. Firstly, with the emergence of new media, sales of records have dropped off substantially. Secondly, the increasing Live music performances have become the important incomes of the industry, which makes Live House, aside from huge concerts and celebration events, the main venues for Taiwan live performances, where not only favored by fans of subculture bands. Both mainstream and indie music artists return to the venues. Although Live House can only contain limited people, it offers basic platforms for performers in this changing music industry. The focus of the thesis is: Would it bring forth benefits for the artists and impacts to the industry. The thesis aims to discuss managers and performers of live house as main objects with the analysis of relative documents to have a complete look into the Live House culture, hoping to rediscover the role Live House play and function in the music industry nowadays. Conclusion: The innovative and diverse programs arranged in the Live House can not only guarantee good box office but also function in different ways. It enables the performers to voice out their music for a quick market test and make progress. Market resources of both mainstream and indie music can channel together on this open platform. The existence of Live House helps pop music industry to innovate and breed new cultures. And for this reason, Live house should be considered an important incubator for music industry. Finally, the study result can be used as reference for government policy making and relative music careers.


Live House Live Performance Music Industry


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