  • 學位論文


The Research of Mannheim Style in W.A.Mozart's Piano Concertos

指導教授 : 盧文雅


摘 要 莫札特(W. A. Mozart,1756-1791) 的巴黎-曼海姆時期時期 (1777-1779) 正處於歐洲思想變革的時代。「啟蒙運動」(Enlightenment)正在當時如火如荼地展開中。「啟蒙運動」的思想更是影響了整個歐洲的文藝發展,在音樂風格上的表現上大約歸納出以下幾種風格:第一為嘉蘭特風格( Galant Style);第二為易感風格( Empfindsamer Style);第三則是狂飆運動( Sturm und Drang)等。另外,有鑑於曼海姆風格(Mannheim Style)對當時器樂曲(尤其是交響曲)的發展扮演著舉足輕重的角色,所以本文將上述風格併入研究範圍中。 本文希望藉由過去學者對於十八世紀早期音樂風格的研究資料做更完整的蒐集與整理,並以莫札特在巴黎-曼海姆時期時期的兩首鋼琴協奏曲K. 271與K. 365作為研究對象,藉此了解當代時興的音樂風格對莫札特音樂作品的影響,以及如何在其作品中呈現。 莫札特鋼琴協奏曲K. 271與K. 365中充滿十八世紀早期音樂風格的特色,例如在K. 365的第二樂章中充斥著憂鬱、多愁善感般的旋律,在獨奏樂器的高音聲部以多連音、富有歌唱性的裝飾奏等方式呈現。音樂風格是相互影響的,在莫札特的作品中不難發現他將不同的音樂風格融合,並巧妙地呈現在他的作品中,創造出屬於莫札特個人獨有的特色。 最後藉由莫札特巴黎-曼海姆時期的風格探究,進一步研究巴黎-曼海姆時期對維也納時期鋼琴協奏曲的影響。在維也納時期的十四首鋼琴協奏曲中發現有十二首是在移居維也納的前三年內完成的,其速度之驚人。在音樂風格上,更顯得豐富與成熟,不但將巴黎-曼海姆時期的音樂風格加以變化運用,還出現屬於莫札特個人習慣用法的音樂風格。


莫札特 鋼琴協奏曲 曼漢姆


Mozart's Paris-Mannheim period (1777--1779) was in the age of the thought reform in Europe. "Enlightenment" was expanding in full swing at that time. The thought of the "Enlightenment" impacted on the development of the art of the whole of Europe. The style of music can be roughly summed up the performance of the following style:1. Galant Style; 2. Empfindsamer Stil; 3. Strum und Drang. In addition, in view of Mannheim style played a pivotal role in the development of the instrumental music at the time (especially Symphony), so those which been mentioned above will also be incorporated into the scope of this research. This research hopes that can collect and sort out the data which came from the past scholars who had studied the style of music in the early eighteenth century, and during the Mozart's Paris-Mannheim period of the two piano concertos the K. 271 and K. 365 as the object of research. In order to understand how the music of contemporary fashion style impact on the music works of Mozart, and how to present in his works. Finally, this research also hopes to find out the influence of the piano concertos during Vienna period. The Mozart’s Piano Concertos K. 271 and K. 365 are both fall of the characteristic of the early eighteenth century style of music. For instance, the second movement of K. 365 is filled with melancholy, sentimental melody that been played with cantabile ornaments in the right hand of the solo instrument. Music style is interactive. It is not difficult to find his fusion of different styles of music, and cleverly presented in Mozart’s works. Mozart created the individual characteristics. Due to the the style of Paris- Mannheim period, we can further discuss how the research of the style to influence the piano concertos in the Vinne period. There are 12 piano concertos had been finished in the first three years in Vinne. These works had showed more rich and mature than the works before. They had not only been changed the style in Pairs- Mannheim period, but been showed the Mozart’s personal music style.


W. A. Mozart Piano Concertos Mannheim


