  • 學位論文


The Different Imaginations of Educational Space

指導教授 : 蔡懷國


我的作品是藉由攝影、放入電腦修圖而後輸出呈現;探討的層面從廣泛的人性探討聚焦在台灣教育的問題探討,從照片擬真寫實的手法諷刺並探討台灣社會的教育問題。 論文中第一章說明我在這系列作品的創作動機、方向與步驟;第二章說明與自己相關的創作類型與藝術家並且敘述自己的創作形式如何改變的原因和過程;第三章探討與我創作內容相關的台灣教育環境和教育空間在我畫面的出現與選擇;第四章說明使用的創作媒材特性,也說明自己作品與媒材特性間的必要的關聯性,一方面也說明與自己作品有很深關係的空間觀念;第五章主要在分析並說明我此一系列的創作圖像;最後的結語是我對於論文和自己這幾年的創作做出總結和希望。 希望這篇論文對自己和大眾都有正向的助益,也希望自己未來的路能更寬廣,也期望自己在創作上能有更進一步的表現,將自我的藝術提升到更高層的境界。


My Project is conceived from photographs and insert to the computer then present as levels of discussion over general humanistic views focus on the problems of Taiwan’s educational system. From these imaginary pictures styles as sarcasms to analyze the educational problems in Taiwan society. First chapter I will explain my creative motivation, direction, and process in my series of creations. The second chapter, I will explain and describe my own creative styles with the relatively close creations of other artists and how they change and process. The third chapter, I will explain the relationship of Taiwanese educational environment and educational spaces with the selections and choices in my creative contents. The fourth chapter, I will explain the specialties of creative media used and also explain my own project in relation to these specialties. This will further express a deep relationship of special concepts in my own creation. The fifth chapter, the main point is to explain and analyze a series of my own creative images. The last conclusion is the summary and hopes of my thoughts with this paper and my own creations of the past years. I hope this paper will have a positive direction to me and public as a whole. I also hope a more open road in my future and expect a further successful display in my creation and develop my own artistic creativity to a higher level.


9. 周祝瑛 著,《誰捉弄了台灣教改》,台北:心理出版社,2003。
1. Marshall McLuhan 著;鄭明萱 譯,《認識媒體》,台北:貓頭鷹出版,2006。
2. Gillian Rose 著;王國強 譯,《視覺研究導論》,台北:群學出版,2006。
3. Terry Barrett著;邱奕堅 編;陳敬寶 譯,《攝影評論學》,台北:影像視覺藝術出版,2008。
4. 廖炳惠 編著,《關鍵詞200》,台北:麥田出版,2006。

