  • 學位論文


The Study of Brand Management Strategies of National Theatre Company of China.

指導教授 : 詹惠登


近年臺灣表演藝術環境蓬勃發展,兩岸合作日益頻繁,透過交流參與擴大對於現代戲劇的視野與實驗性。目前兩岸的表演藝術皆面臨了相同困境,包括人才培育、觀眾開發、創新管理、永續經營等專業問題。 自1993年,大陸中央政府推行「深化國有文藝演出院團體制改革」,不同於過去統全由國家豢養的文化政策,將院團生存重新回歸至市場機制上,同時也影響了大陸地區所有院團未來營運與發展。其中,由中國青年藝術劇院與中央實驗話劇院在2001年整併為中國國家話劇院(以下簡稱國話),集結兩院團最優秀的藝術家、演員、舞台美術、管理人才等,作為經營國話品牌之最佳利器。 本研究利用品牌經營策略理論架構,來瞭解國話品牌經營過程與策略應用,以質性研究之個案研究法及深度訪談法,作為資料收集與分析之工具。研究發現,中國國家話劇院在「品牌識別策略」中,將品牌定位於「新現實主義」,以此作為核心規劃其品牌行銷、次級聯想策略與內部品牌策略,在市場上作出明確定位與區隔,並以此品牌定位綿密的延伸至品牌行銷策略中。價格採「公益性」低價策略、利用「演出季」推廣國話產品、營銷採「三網合一」積極打造國際形象。在「次級聯想策略」上採人物、地點、其他品牌與事件策略,透過明星級的代言人、國話劇場品牌矩陣、首都劇院聯盟與知名藝文組機或機構進行聯合製作。「內部品牌策略」主要透過「企業環境」、「價值觀」與「儀式與制度」三種面向來建構內部品牌與員工之關聯。


Taiwan's art performance is blooming in recent years and the cooperation opportunities between Taiwan and china are also increasing, through participation interaction, we both widen the vision and experiment possibility of modern drama. However, Taiwan and China are facing the same difficulties including personnel training, audience development, innovative management and sustainable operation. In 1993, Central People’s government carried out the reformation by deepening the state arts performance troupes; unlike past culture policy that the funds of art troupes were provided by government, the new policy only provide partly funds for art troupes. This policy brings the troupes back to the market mechanism and deeply influence future operation and development of art troupes in china. Besides, the policy also promoted the establishment of National Theatre Company of China (hereafter refer as NTCC) in 2001, which merging the former China Youth Art Theatre and China Central Experimental Modern Drama Theatre. NTCC gathered the most outstanding artists, actors, stage designers and management personnel as the foundation of brand management field. This study used brand management strategies theory to explore the NTCC brand management processes and application of strategies. Collecting and analyzing data by case study method and in-depth interview. This study found that in Brand Management Strategy, NTCC applied” New Realistic” as the core strategies of planning brand marketing, Sub-brand and Inner Brand, which clearly orientates and separates NTCC from general market, and expand the idea to brand management strategies. Also it adopted “public welfare” low price strategy to promote products during performance season and apply CTI (computer-telephony-image) to create national images. “Sub-brand” employed characters, locations, other brands and issue strategy, through brand representatives, NTCC theater union, capital theater system and famous cultural organizations to conduct co-production. “Inner brand” mainly focus on the “enterprise environment”, “values”, “ceremony and system” to establish the connection between employees and inner brand.


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