  • 學位論文


The Crafts of Wooden Tablet in Kinmen

指導教授 : 林會承


匾額被視為傳統建築的門面,同時具有文學、藝術的表現。僅需要少數幾個字,卻能反映當時的社會、文化與歷史面向,甚至是變成家族的祖訓。論文學層面-匾額上的題字內容向來以簡短的文字論述其建築或人物表現;藝術層面-匾額為結合書法、雕刻、彩繪、安金等工藝於一身的藝術表現形式;歷史層面-從匾額落款年代便可推判其建築物的歷史,更是一項極具保存意義的文化資產與相關研究的重要線索。 本研究是從個人的生活經驗出發,訪談作匾師傅的生命經驗、專業知識。經由觀察宗族(家廟)文化中的晉匾習俗與相關儀式進行,透過實際參與匾額工藝製作過程,記錄匾額工藝與金門作匾行業的發展現況,最終呈現的是金門地區匾額工藝特色。 綜合本研究發現指出:金門目前仍保留手工製作的匾額工藝,對於匾額製作量減少,作匾師傅仍樂觀地看待作匾行業的延續,即使匾額工藝行業式微,但是匾額所代表的象徵仍是不變。


金門 匾額工藝 匾額 晉匾 宗族文化


Wooden tablet is considered the tokenism of traditional architecture, and also the expression of literature and art. The simple characters can indicate the society, culture and history at that time, or even become the instruction of the family. In respect of literature, the inscriptions on wooden tablets usually tell the architecture or personal performance in brief characters; in respect of art, wooden tablet is an artistic expression combining calligraphy, sculpture, color-painting, gilding, and other techniques; in respect of history, as the signature mentions the history of architecture, the wooden tablet is considered a cultural heritage worth preserving and a clue for related studies. The study was formed based on the personal life experience and professional knowledge acquired from the interviews with wooden tablet craftsmen. By observing the wooden tablet hanging and other related rituals in clan (family temple) culture, and participating in the wooden tablet making, the study recorded the wooden tablet techniques and the development of Kinmen wooden tablet industry, and finally presented the technical features of Kinmen wooden tablets. It’s found from the study that there are handcrafting wooden tablet techniques existing in Kinmen. Although the wooden tablet production is reduced, craftsmen have positive attitude on the industry development, as the symbolization of wooden tablet has never changed.


1997 《澳門的匾聯文化》。臺北:財團法人中華民俗藝術基金會
2011 〈傳說、歷史與集體意識-從草屯龍德廟的「刑期無刑」匾談起〉,《高雄師大學報》人文與藝術類,30: 23-42。
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