  • 學位論文


Square shape and circular formation- Huang Yi-Cai million creations

指導教授 : 李蕭錕


摘要 本論述旨立闡述方、圓之間在筆者生命中之意義及創作歷程。 透過藝術形式,顯現出生命內容的雋永深刻及內在情感的豐富精彩。自我省思及探索未知領域並以藝術創作表達內心的思維,希望在繪畫的世界裡,能找回封箱在心靈深處的自我價值及修補失落感,藉由剖析內在的本我,尋找生命意義,並且傾聽內心深處的聲音,不加矯飾,不似模擬,期望在創作歷程中,能找回屬於心靈中最純真、最感動的藝術表現。本論文各章要義如下: 第一章「緒論」,詮釋方、圓之間及其與筆者關係,記錄個人內在情感與生活經歷,說明研究目的、動機、方向及方法。並以時間、虛實為主軸架構闡述之。 第二章「思想脈絡」提出以康丁斯基幾何造形的思想本質與太極圖說作為創作架構依據。 第三章「創作感悟與創作理念」談創作時的感想、領悟與生活經歷面向,潛藏的情感樣貌,由記憶中圖像出發到抒發內在情感最初的感動意象,探討空間及心靈向度,乃至內化創作力的凝聚與畫面構築,感受方與圓的依存性。 第四章「創作歷程與方法」歸納筆者於2008年至2010年間所創作之作品。說明創作歷程及創作的方法。 第五章「作品說明與分析」說明筆者於2008年至2010年間所創作之作品,以彩圖、內容、形式、技法、媒材…等,分別說明敘述。 「方與圓」創作主要架構由內在情感及意象結合太極圖說,運用多元媒材、不同空間組構進行創作,透過創作探討心靈內在情感表達的方式、藝術的創作形式,探索藏匿在記憶的寶箱中從未揭開或被忽略了的生活體驗,借此歸納屬於自己的創作理念並且將內在情感重新整理、定位、放下後得以重新出發。同時希望能個人創作上開發出不同路徑及精神內涵。


Summary Present paper main explanation square shape and circular in creator life significance as well as creation process. Self-reflection and exploration of the unknown and to express inner art of thinking, like painting the world, to recover the self-sealing in mind the value and repair deep sense of loss, through the analysis of the inner me, Find the meaning of life, and listen to the voice of heart, without pretense, unlike simulation, look forward to his career, to recover the mind is most pure and most moving artistic expression. The essence of each chapter of this thesis is as follows: The first chapter " Began to study", Interpretation of square, round and relations between and with the author, recording their inner feelings and life experience, and research purposes, motivation, direction and method. With time, the actual situation shows it as the main structure . Chapter II " Source of thought" put forward the idea Kandinsky geometric shape the nature and structure of Taiji Diagram as a creative basis. The third chapter, "Creation of feelings and creative ideas" On the creative feelings when, for the understanding and life experiences, emotions hidden faces, starting from the memory image to express the inner feelings of the moving image first, and spiritual dimensions of space, and even within the cohesion of creative and screen building, square and round feel dependent. Chapter IV, "Writing Process and Method" Summarize the author in 2008 to 2010 the works created by. Explain creative process and creative approach. Chapter V, " Description and analysis of artistic creation" Description artists in 2008 to 2010 the works created by using color pictures, content, form, technique, media ... etc. point of view, separate instructions "Square and round," the main framework created by the combination of Tai Chi within emotions and imagery map said that the use of multi-media, fabric to create different spaces, the inner soul through the creation of means of emotional expression, artistic creation form and explore the treasure hidden in memory box never opened or neglect of life experience, to summarize the creative ideas of their own inner feelings and to re-order, position, put down after its start. Also hope to develop personal creativity and the spirit of a different path.


參考書目 依出版時間排序
◎ 駱盈伶譯,Peter Wagner,(2009)。現代性的理論化之路。臺北縣:韋伯文化出版。
◎朱惠芬譯,蘿斯. 狄更斯 Rosie Dickins(2009)。台北:臉譜出版。
