  • 學位論文


The study concerning the changes of traditional settlement in You-Chang, Kaohsiung.

指導教授 : 林會承


高雄市楠梓區右昌位於後勁溪的南邊,西邊緊鄰軍港,地勢為前後高、中間下凹,過去下凹處有棵大芒果樹,以在地的風水傳說為船肚穴。 右昌地區約從鄭氏時期開始有大量的人口進入開墾(軍屯制度),此為聚落的雛形。後經清治、日治直至戰後,此區的聚落也隨之而有所改變。除此之外,在地人的傳統建築(以下稱之為傳建)也逐漸減少,匠師的技術也已經消逝。 筆者研究重點將會著重在聚落的變遷及傳建的研究上,研究的方法會先從文獻史料著手,自然環境、歷史、信仰、社會及聚落變遷,並從中分類現有的傳建。 本研究分四個章節,第一章為歷史:內有楠梓及右昌的地理位置、後勁溪的改變,及其地名由來。 第二章為右昌的歷史簡述:附近史前遺址、行政區域的歷史劃分、生計及都市計畫。 第三章為右昌聚落的發展:人口的組成、大姓的分布(如楊家古厝,指定為古蹟);右昌著名的傳統「不燒金、不普渡;每月農曆初二、十六不做牙,祭拜方式均以清香、清茶、鮮花、水果祭之」的由來、四間廟宇的介紹、其祭祀活動、陣頭及交陪,及右昌的傳說。 第四章為建築的類型:古厝、古厝的建材、介紹、朝向、工法的分類等。 最後是結論、後續研究與建議。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the settlement reclamation and tribe relationship at You-Chang. You-Chang, is located at south west the Houjin River, Kaohsiung City, and close to Zuoying naval base, Terrain is high around the middle low, under low please had a large mango tree. In terms local legend Feng Shui (風水) is call a Chuan Du Xue (船肚穴). Around the Koxinga dynasty a large number of people into reclamation (the farmer soldiers), this is the beginning of settlement in You-Chang. After the Qing Dynasty, Taiwan under Japanese rule until, after the postwar period, the settlement also changed and stronger. The local traditional architecture is gradually reduced, craftsmen technology has fade away. The main conduct research by means of document collections, learn the natural environment, history, religion, and classification of existing traditional buildings of You-Chang. Tne first people of immigrants entered in 1652, around the Qing Dynasty a large number of immigrants entered You-Chang. Those People find the live in peace of lifestyle. In this study, You-Chang is the first stop used paper money (金紙)for the Gods and Purdue(普渡) in Taiwan, this settlement shows the particularity of faith.


1993 清代台灣廳縣制度之研究。臺北:華世。
1995 從征實錄。南投:臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
Joseph Beal Steere
