  • 學位論文


Dear Animals-Body Practice of Becoming Animal

指導教授 : 陳愷璜


家庭對動物的友善態度、自身與動物相處的美好經驗,以及正式養了第一隻寵物,這些事形成一股動力,讓我開始詳細研究人與動物間的互動關係。正式研究後,體認到被人類剝削生命的動物不盡其數,為動物感到不公的我,開始真正探討爭取動物權益的各種相關議題,並以此為創作動機及靈感來源。 我在研究所期間發表了兩個計畫型創作—《誰生而平等》 和《游擊貼紙》,這兩項皆以身體和游擊行動為主要表現手法。在《誰生而平等》 系列計畫中,我藉由《塗鴉布條》的公開質問、《玩具狗行動》的錄像創作、《米克斯人類》的身體行為,這三種不同的手法來揭露(Expose)人類行為中不為人知的暗瘡,並刺激觀眾去思考人與動物之間的界線的不合理之處 。 在諸多剝削動物的相關議題中,動物實驗是我最關注的一項。於是我藉由《游擊貼紙》計畫,以個人游擊的方式,在商品上貼上繪有血腥殘忍畫像的自製動物實驗貼紙,讓世人明白,動物實驗的產物充斥在你我的生活周遭。這計畫不僅向大眾亮出真相,同時也質疑世人是否"被"鼓勵將具有感知的生命商品化?那消費者是否也能"被"退化為經濟動物呢? 當我在創作的時候,我會把自身往動物生成,以逃離人的群集。對我來說,逃逸就是一種革命。我時常在創作中批判系統化、文化化,因為只有人類才會製造出這些包袱。然而,這些沈重的負擔不僅作用在人類身上,連動物都因人類的自私而受到波及,造成了許多動物的悲劇與死亡。最讓我感到痛苦的是,大多數人並不在乎這一切,更遑論主動關心。 藝術創作者不應只是帶給觀眾奇觀,而應以藝術特有的空間與彈性,向所關注的議題提出懷疑,並拒絕被填塞特定答案。在《游擊貼紙》計畫中,我曾受到法律上的阻撓。但若是申請貼紙"合法化",這回歸體制的行為,會和我對抗體制的意圖相違背,也將失去藝術創作不賦予解答的空間性。


動物議題 身體 生成


The kindness to animals in my family, the wonderful experiences with animals, and my "officially" very first pet had formed a driving force that made me start my research of the interaction between human-beings and animals. After starting the research, I realized that the lives of animals which have been taken by human are countless. Feeling unfair, I began to study kinds of issues which were about fighting for animal rights and use these issues as my creative motivations and inspiration. During the period of my graduate institute, I published two creation projects, "Who Born with Equal" and "Guerrilla Stickers. "In the "Who Born with Equal" project, I used the public questioning in "Graffiti Banner," the video creations in "Project Toy Dog" and practical actions in "Mix Human" to expose the most unknown evil deeds among human's and also to stimulate audience to think about the injustice of the devide between human-beings and animals. Among the issues of exploiting animals, animal testing is what I care about most. Therefore, in Project "Guerrilla Stickers," I pasted my self-made stickers with a bloody and cruel picture of animal testing on merchandise in order to make people realize that animal testing are everywhere around us. This project not only showed the truth to the public but also questioned whether people should be encouraged to commercialize lives with feelings and thoughts. And if so, can consumers be degenerated into consumer products like animals? While I am producing my creations, I am becoming an animal and escape from the crowd. To me, the escape is a revolution. I often criticize systemization and culturalization because they are burdens which only human have. However, not only human should bear them, many animals are killed or influenced because of the selfishness of human. The most painful thing is that most people consider nothing about these issues, they don't even care. Art creators shouldn't just bring fantastic views to the audience, we shall question the issue which we care about and refuse to be cramped with certain answers. During Project "Guerrilla Stickers," I had been obstructed by law. But if I apply to legalize the stickers, the action of regression of social system will obey my will against the system, and it will make the art creation lose the elasticity of not giving certain answers.


Animal Issue Body Becoming


卡夫卡( Franz Kafka)著, 姬健梅譯,《變形記》,麥田出版股份有限公司,2010
彼得•辛格(Peter Singer)著,孟祥森、錢永祥譯,《動物解放》,關懷生命協會,1996。
哈爾•賀札格(Hal Herzog)著,彭紹怡譯,《為什麼狗是寵物?豬是食物?:人類與動物之間的道德難題》,臺北:遠足文化公司,2012。
路易斯•波伊曼(Loius P. Pojman)著,張忠宏譯,《為動物說話-動物權利的爭議》,桂冠實用心理學叢書,1997
