  • 學位論文


A Study of Teachers’ Narratives on Learning through Films

指導教授 : 吳慎慎


新學習時代,學習的樣貌多元豐富,教師作為促進學習的實務工作者,肩負培養學習者的責任,教師如何發展自我學習力是一個值得關照的課題。在新媒體發達的當代社會,電影透過視覺影像結合多元感官體驗的敘事特性,成為獨樹一格的藝術形式,承載大量社會文化現象,是流行文化的新媒體,更是蘊含豐富視覺文化的藝術。看電影不僅是休閒娛樂生活,電影更是蘊涵豐富學習資源的載體。新學習時代,學習的場域不再只侷限於學校等正規場所,透過電影的學習亦是當代多元學習樣貌之展現。 本研究關注教師透過電影的學習,主要研究方法為訪談敘說探究,佐以問卷調查。研究選取六位喜愛電影的小學教師為訪談對象,分別進行1-2次訪談,透過教師的電影經驗敘說蒐集資料,在訪談歷程全程錄音再轉騰逐字稿作為主要研究文本,整理分析詮釋研究資料,書寫研究結果,探究教師透過電影學習的內涵與意義。 研究發現主要有:1.喜歡看電影、經常透過電影學習的教師,多是從小就有機會因為家人、學校、社區提供接觸電影的機會,並在學習成長的過程中有機會與同儕、同事、親友持續透過電影深化學習。2.教師透過電影的學習內涵豐富,包含知識、情感與日常生活反思性的增能培力。3.透過電影學習,教師信念與實踐得以增強與擴展。4.透過電影學習成為教師的終身學習取向。整體而言,有機會接觸電影藝術的第一哩路,是啟動教師透過電影終身學習的推手,教師電影經驗敘說呈現豐富多元的學習內涵,透過電影的學習是全方位的終身學習,更可以是視覺文化藝術教育的學習實踐。


A new era of learning has come where learning could happen in a myriad of ways and places. As the practitioners of facilitated-learning, teachers take the responsibility for guiding and helping their students, while how they themselves establish and evolve self-learning abilities has also become an important concern. In this digital age, film has developed into a significant visual-cultural form of art, communicating a great spectrum of social and cultural phenomena through its narrative quality combining visual images and multi-sensory experience. Therefore, watching films is not only an act of leisure and entertainment but also an influential and vivid way of contemporary learning. This study focuses on the learning of teachers through films, conducting through the method of narrative inquiry and supplementing questionnaire. 6 elementary school teachers with interests in films were selected as interviewees, where data were collected via their movie experiences narrations in the in-depth interviews conducted. Through the course of transcripts analysis and interpretation, research findings and composition were fabricated, probing into the meaning and significance of teachers’ learning through films. The findings of this study show that: 1. Teachers who love watching movies and constantly find themselves learning through films, are those who had grown up alongside movies experiences with opportunities provided whether by family or learning institutions such as schools and community centers. They had also found chances extending and enhancing learning through films, side by side with peers, colleagues, and closed ones. 2. Teachers’ learning through films is rich and extensive, including cognitive and affective aspects, and also empowering reflections of everyday life. 3. Learning through films enhances teachers’ faiths and actions. 4. Learning through films is an approach of teachers’ lifelong learning. In a nutshell, having the opportunity to walk the first mile of film art had stimulated teachers’ lifelong learning through film. Moreover, teachers’ narratives on movies experiences presented rich and multi-façade learning. As a conclusion, learning through film is a comprehensive way of lifelong learning, as well as the practice of Visual Culture Arts Education.




