  • 學位論文


Top-down versus Bottom-up : a Study on the Cultural Heritage Conservation in Tamsui

指導教授 : 邱博舜


台灣的文化資產保存始自日治時期的《史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存法》,至1982年《文化資產保存法》頒布實施,終於正式建立具完整性之保存制度與技術方法,2005年更全面更張新的保存架構,法制的修正代表政府部門在不同時代背景下對文化資產保存之觀點與價值詮釋的演變,亦直接影響地方文化資產保存工作的進行。台灣民間的文化資產保存力量則萌芽自1970年代都市化推進的刺激與鄉土運動的浪潮,都市發展與古蹟保存的衝突成為公共議題,地方文化價值受到肯定,並在政治社會的變化下,民間得以更具組織與系統之方式累積在地智識與認同,進一步轉化為回應地方發展與文化保存議題的主動力量。 淡水是台灣歷史發展上具代表性的河港聚落與國際通商口岸,擁有豐富多元的文化資產,於現代都市化的過程中,鄰近台北市的淡水更是台灣歷史聚落面對都市發展的縮影。但在高度開發的衝擊下,現今淡水仍能保存33處古蹟與歷史建築,不僅占新北市古蹟總數的四成,且幾乎皆密集分布於城鎮中心,更成為國內文化觀光推動的重要景點。淡水的文化資產保存,一方面從其中22處古蹟與歷史建築皆為淡水地方團隊合作對抗公共工程所爭取保存可見淡水民間文化資產保存的主體性,另一方面政府部門隨法制演變逐步指定、登錄不同類型之文化資產,於淡水設立台灣首座專責地方古蹟保存管理之古蹟博物館,並遴選淡水為台灣世界遺產潛力點中唯一的一處歷史城市,為政府與民間相互作用的結果。 本文以淡水文化資產保存經驗為例,從政府法制面、政策面的角度探討政府部門對文化資產之意涵與保存價值的變遷,以及其對有助淡水文化資產保存工作所推動之相關政策,進一步瞭解時代脈絡與官方文化價值反映於實際地方文化資產保存的影響。同時,相對於政府部門對文化資產價值的定義,從民間參與的角度探討地方對其之回應與相關論述變化,分析淡水當代重要文化資產保存之公民運動歷程與之對淡水整體文資環境發展的影響。


淡水 文化資產 保存運動


The effort of conserving cultural heritage in Taiwan began from the Japanese Rule due to “Historical Spot, Scenic Beauty and Natural Monument Preservation Law,” and came to fruition in 1982 with the enforcement of “Cultural Heritage Preservation Law,” taking the conservation effort into next level with systematic approach and established methodologies. The preservation law went through a series of amendment and reforms, which also represents government’s view on this subject at different times and backgrounds. Under the influence of both urbanization and local awareness, public effort in cultural heritage conservation was first seen in the 1970s, and gradually the conflict between urbanization and cultural heritage conservation became a public interest. As a result, the non-government organizations were formed and efforts were more concentrated on proactive participation in local development and culture conservation. Tamsui’s role as both an international seaport and harbour settlement was indeed unique in Taiwan’s development history. With its close geographical proximity to Taipei City, Tamsui also showcased how historical settlements responses to urbanization. One-third of New Taipei City’s historical sites are located in Tamsui, and without local people’s effort, 22 of them would have been gone due to government construction. With local residents’ proactive involvement, more positive responses were seen from the government – not only did Tamsui have the first local Historical Museums in Taiwan, it was also the only “historical city” in the list of “Potential World Heritage Sites in Taiwan.” The thesis takes Tamsui experience as an example to further explore how law and policy affect cultural heritage conservation at different times, and in reality what kind of law or policy are indeed beneficial to Tamsui’s conservation work. Furthermore, it also analyzes government’s view on cultural heritage conservation and its value, and how the local people respond to such view, which lead to the history of civil activities and how it shapes cultural heritage conservation work in Tamsui.


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