  • 學位論文


The evolution of Lukang by the ancient landed contracts

指導教授 : 林會承
共同指導教授 : 王維周(Wei-Chou Wang)


本文以土地為觀察鹿港聚落空間發展的切入點,運用與土地相關古文書以及日治時期的地籍資料,重新探討鹿港聚落的土地與空間,由草萊荒野的開發至日治末期的變化過程。 首先討論清治與日治兩個不同政權之下的土地制度,釐清清治時期市街土地權利狀態的地基關係,以定位鹿港聚落的土地權利關係及其變換過程。瞭解日治時期土地整理事業及土地制度的建立與調整過程,以清楚解讀土地臺帳、登記簿冊內容的變更與地籍圖上線條增減,在實質空間所發生的變化。 鹿港聚落的空間發展,明末清初即有漢人在鹿港落腳,開始改變土地的使用模式並將空間塑造為適於漢人使用與居住的空間。清初至清中葉時期,隨著港口貿易的發展與鼎盛,並在官方的放任與默許之下,聚集在鹿港的漢人考量商業使用的需求、適應河道港灣的型態,有以自然逐漸形成及土地共同開發的方式,發展出以長條街屋為主、主要道路平行於河道發展的鹿港街鎮型態。本文以土地相關的古文書為證據史料,建構鹿港土地開發初期的可能發展、探討鹿港大街可能的開發模式,以及鹿港聚落空間的發展過程。 鹿港聚落空間的型態在清治時期已建立,藉由日人在台進行的詳盡土地調查成果,討論日治初期的鹿港空間面貌,提出並修正部分現有的鹿港研究中,因資料不足而未提出的發現與謬誤。其次,日治初期土地的使用與開發已建立了登記與管理制度,對鹿港空間塑造與改變的模式與清治時期亦有許多差異。日治初期對空間方面的改變,僅是點狀而零星的將原有建築改造為符合使用需求的空間,至昭和之後由官方主導進行的市區改正,大規模的改變鹿港聚落空間往現代化邁進。


This dissertation uses the observation of development of Lu Kang community as a cut-in point. With the ancient relevant archive and geographic data base established during the Japan colonial period, we can re-analyze the change of Lu Kang community in terms of space and land, from the beginning the rural development to the end of Japan colonial period. At first, we research the difference of land institution between the Ching Dynasty and the Japan colonial period, to clarify the status and relationship of land right in the city and street during the Ching Dynasty, and to allocate the relationship and the change of land right status in Lu Kang community. We clearly decrypt the record of land, the change in content, the increase and decrease of the lines in cadastre map, and the change in reality space by understanding the land organized and the process of establishment or adjustment of land institution. The development and utilization of land in Lu Kang community has happened since the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Ching Dynasty. The Han people started to settle in Lu Kang and started to shape and change into the space suitable for Han people to live and use. From the beginning of the Ching to the middle of the Ching, as a result of the development of harbor commercial demand and tacitly agreed by the government, the Ham, congregated in the area of Lu Kang, naturally became mutual developing the land in order to accommodate the commercial demand and adapt the original model of river harbor. And therefore, developing the Lu Kang street model, which feature long street shaped house and main street all parallel with the river. The model of Lu Kang community has been established Since the Ching Dynasty. With the detailed land research conducted by colonial Japanese in Taiwan, we can clarify the face of Lu Kang in terms of space utilization. Moreover, we can locate the mistake as a result of insufficiency of data and discover the unknown question by further research and partially revise current research information. Furthermore, the land utilization and development has been established record and management system during Japan colonial period. There are numerous differences in terms of space utilization model from the model during the Ching Dynasty. In the beginning of the Japan colonial period, there were only sparsely development, and only change the space for suitable use. However, during Showa period, the Japan government lead the city district adjustment, massively change the Lu Kang community and step forward into modernization.


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