  • 學位論文


The End of Human Person in the Postmodern

指導教授 : 許素朱


本論文以神學、哲學、心理學不同角度來探討「位格人」。位格是一個生命智慧的存在顯現,是一個內心與外界的仲介,就像一副人格面具,每一個人都藏在自己的人格面具之下,隨著環境而變化,隨著不同對象而改變不同的互動模式。後現代的社會,在資本主義無限上綱的資源結合科技的快速發展,使高科技電腦軟硬體的不斷進化,甚至快速地改變社會組織規則,並且形成一種依附於網際網路的新結構,而這嶄新的結構,亦成為後現代社會的主要框架,最後演變成母體社會的全面控制。科技創造出來的影像已經進步到看似真實、甚至超越真實,這種擬像世界迷惑大眾,也使得人的目光過度聚焦在科技製造出來的產物,忽略了其他面向的選擇與責任,也忽略了人真實情感與實際經驗的經營。 本論文也以科技藝術反芻的立場提出〝勢力眼〞與〝宅識界〞兩件作品,並且以科技藝術的形式呈現,來探討「後現代已死的位格人」的議題。〝勢力眼〞作品乃探討在一個監視的母體社會框架下,人在與作品互動過程中,或者被作品吸引、或者想脫離這個框架;而不管在被作品吸引下或者想脫離的情境失去自我,我們的位格在哪裡?我們的位格還存在嗎?〝宅識界〞作品則探討在一個擬像超越真實的資訊社會下,人在與作品互動過程中,被過度真實的蟑螂所吸引,引發追逐拍打,作者藉作品試著要探討身陷在過度真實的視覺化資訊裡,我們的位格在哪裡?我們的位格在資訊爆炸的迷亂中還存在嗎? 最後,作者也提出兩種精神的我,勉勵自己,脫離焦慮,並深刻體會生命,期盼自己能蛻變成為處在後現代情境的真正自由、真正屬於自己、並且觀照他人的位格人。


「Human Person」is the subject treat in fields of theology, philosophy, and psychology in this thesis. Person is a specific display of being who is vital and wise and a bridge between someone’s inner and outer life, just like a mask of personality. Everyone changes their types of communications behind their personal mask with changes of environment or objects . In the postmodern society which combines limitless capitalism and strong science and technology, a new construction under internet forms because of the lasting developments of computer and fast changes of rules of social organization. This new construction becomes the central frame of the postmodern society, and it makes the matrix of the society to the entire online control system. The simulation created by technical tools is so perfect to be real, even super reality. The world filled with simulation confuses people and makes people watch the virtual products from technical tools; it makes people lose sight of choices and responsibility of other fields and disregards managing real emotions and experience of getting in touch with people. There are two interactive installations,〝Eyes Wall〞and〝Catch That〞, which treat the subject「The End of Human Person in the Postmodern」in this thesis, and they supply the contrast between technical framework and human reaction. 〝Eyes Wall〞treats that how a person is attracted to eyes on the wall or how a person wants to escape from the frame over the process of interaction. What I want to treat is what should we take our person to and do we really still own our person if we lost ourselves under the frame of control system. 〝Catch That〞treats how a person is attracted to that simulates reality and how a person wants to catch that seems reality. What I want to treat is what should we take our person to if we are in the world full of over reality of visual information and do we really still own our person if we are in the explosion virtual information. I advance me to have two kinds of spirit, Apollinian and Dionysian. And I encourage myself out of anxiety and appreciate my life deeply. I expect to become such kind of human person who is really free, belong to myself, and influences others in the situation of the postmodern.


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