  • 學位論文


Robert Whitman Procter’s Great Contribution to the Music Education in Taiwan

指導教授 : 顏綠芬


包克多(Robert Whitman Procter, 1927-1979),一位多才多藝美籍音樂家,1973年7月,應中國文化學院創辦人張其昀之邀,首度來台並受聘該校音樂系,同時擔任華岡交響樂團指揮,在臺期間(1973-1978)五年,卻是創造中國文化學院音樂系黃金時期的重要推手。1978年6月因身體不適返美接受治療,次年4月卻因癌症而英年早逝,享年52歲。 本研究以包克多生平以及他來臺教學的過程為主,之後論述包克多與歌劇在台灣的發展。在他任內,中國文化學院音樂系推動西洋歌劇在台灣的演出,包克多製作指揮蘇利文《典獄衛士》、莫札特《唐•喬凡尼》、華格納《唐懷瑟》,這些演出,創下當時台灣音樂界的記錄。包克多帶領該校師生演唱多首台灣首唱作品,如貝多芬《C大調彌撒》、布拉姆斯《命運之歌》、《德文安魂曲》等,連二十世紀史特拉汶斯基《詩篇交響曲》、卡爾•奧福《布蘭詩歌》、布列頓《聖誕頌》等等作品也帶入台灣,讓學生學習之外,也讓觀眾欣賞不同時期的作品。包克多是有計劃的教導華岡交響樂團,除了增加學習的寬度與深度之外、還邀請多位國內外優秀的演奏家共同演出。同時,包克多也是一位專職的管風琴家,論述台灣管風琴教育與包克多的關係。最後章節為包克多為中國文化學院創作的作品,來認識一位外籍友人,對臺灣音樂教育無私的奉獻。


Robert Whitman Procter (1927-1979), an American musician of great versatility, was invited to Taiwan for the first time by the founder of Chinese Culture Institute (Chinese Culture University for now), Zhang Qi-yun, in July 1973. During his five-year stay in Taiwan (1973-78), Mr. Procter taught at the School of Music in that Institute and conducted its famous Huagang Symphony Orchestra, which really created a golden age of the Music Department of Chinese Culture Institute. He returned to the United States for treating his illness in June 1978, but unfortunately in April of the following year he died of cancer at the age of 52. In this study, I would focus on the life of Mr. Procter and his teaching in Taiwan, and this essay would also refer to the close relationship between Mr. Procter and his opera productions with Chinese Culture Institute, which were the pioneers of opera performances in Taiwan. Mr. Procter produced and conducted Gilbert & Sullivan’s Savoy opera the Yeomen of the Guard, W. A. Mozart’s Don Giovanni, and R. Wagner’s Tannhäuser to make their Taiwan debuts; moreover, he was the key person who led Chinese Culture Institute to perform music which were not so familiar to Taiwan people, such as Beethoven’s Mass in C Major, Brahms’s Schicksalslied, Ein Deutsches Requiem, and the contemporary music like Stravinsky’s Symphony of Psalms, Orff’s Carmina Burana, Britten’s a Ceremony of Carols, etc. They all were the best repertoires for students to learn and for the Taiwan audience to appreciate the beauty of western music; furthermore, Mr. Procter had them all in his teaching schedule for students in Huagang Symphony Orchestra and led them to exploit new music. He invited great collaborative musicians to perform together with the orchestra for some professional demonstration and performances of high quality. This study would also refer to Mr. Procter’s great influences to the organ teaching in Taiwan since he was such a professional organ player. The final chapter of this study would refer to the music compositions written for Chinese Culture Institute by Mr. Procter himself in order to recollect a dear friend from abroad and his wholehearted dedication to the music education in Taiwan.


Sadie , Stanley ed.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London:MacMillen Publidher.1980
