  • 學位論文


The Evolution of Architectural Form on Trier Cathedral in Germany

指導教授 : 賴瑞鎣


在今日德國最古老的城市特里爾城內,矗立著一座宏偉的教堂─特里爾大教堂。自西元326年君士坦丁時期開始興建以來,歷經朝代的流轉和幾次的翻修,如今以莊嚴穩重、猶如堡壘一般的仿羅馬式建築呈現於世人面前,其悠遠的歷史背景和低調沉靜的建築風格,深具引人入勝的魅力。每種風格反映的是每個不同時代的各種變遷,舉凡社會、風俗、文化、思想等,都是不可忽視的變化因素。教堂作為一種精神象徵,其無形的力量因為堅定的信仰而得以永垂不朽,但作為有形的藝術形式,仍不免遭受天災或人為的破壞而改變原有的風貌,尤其像特里爾大教堂跨越了將近一千七百年的歷史,因應宗教儀式的增加和時代風格的影響所做的增修整建,必然無法免之;然而,如何在修建的過程中融合不同的風格元素、取得平衡,並保有原來的特色,無論是在精神思想上或是形式樣貌的層面上,特里爾大教堂都是一個極好的例子。 特里爾大教堂在每一階段的興建過程和改建重點,都有其產生的背景,這背後促成的原因,即是本論文所致力探討的。例如:雙巴西利卡教堂特殊的形式安排和主要的功能用途為何?如何從這點來看君士坦丁的巴西利卡教堂,以及其所代表的意義?葛拉先皇帝改建的特里爾大教堂東端,其中央集中式的立方體結構,又反映了何種時代背景和建築趨勢?在進入仿羅馬式建築之前,歷經了查理曼大帝擬古取法的卡洛林王朝文藝復興運動和歐托王朝的繼承與試驗,因而造就了仿羅馬式風格的形成,這一段變化進程對特里爾大教堂的仿羅馬式風格有何影響?其與同一地區的仿羅馬式教堂之間,又有何異同之處?這些異同的特色如何反映在建築語彙的組合上?都是極富意義而值得探究的問題。 就歷史的角度來說,特里爾大教堂擁有悠久而豐富的歷史淵源;以建築的角度來看,特里爾大教堂就如同其外觀一般,於樸實無華中顯現真實偉大。在本論文中,將藉由研究特里爾大教堂的發展,從中體會與感受其豐富的歷史意義與藝術內涵。過去歷朝歷代的榮光會褪色、會消逝,但屬於特里爾大教堂的歷史、藝術和宗教精神則會永恆存在,那是令人再三流連、感懷讚嘆的。


In the oldest city in Germany, Trier, where stands a magnificent architecture – Trier Cathedral. It was built by Constantine in A.D. 326, and as time went by, there were restoration and renovation due to the barbarian’s invasion and destruction. Now Trier Cathedral survives with stern, castle-like Romanesque church in this old roman city, its historical background and serene, stated architectural style are full of irresistible and amazing charms for people who are interested in history and architecture. Every single architectural style reflects different kinds of changes on different ages, such as society, custom, culture and thought, which are the important factors and could never be overlooked easily. The cathedral as a sacred symbol, its invisible and invincible power would last forever because of the firm and loyal faith; however, as a visible and breakable art form, it would be destroyed by the natural and human disaster more or less, especially a grand architecture like Trier Cathedral which has been there for almost 1700 years. It is inevitable that there must be the restoration and reconstruction for the increasing ceremonies on religion and the influences by different styles. Nevertheless, how to get those different styles and factors merge together appropriately and make them look balanced on one architecture during the construction and renovation, and then keep the original characters, whether in the spirit of the thought or art forms, they are all tough and tricky, but it seems that Trier Cathedral had demonstrated a fine example. There are some crucial causes and problems on every building stage when constructing and reconstructing Trier Cathedral, those are the key points in this thesis. For instance, what are the unique form and arrangement with actual functions when concerning about Trier’s double basilica in Constantinian age? How to explore Constantine’s basilican church style and figure out its representation when applying them to discuss Trier’s double basilica? What kind of the trends did the centralized square structure which Gratian renovated on east side of Trier Cathedral reveal at that time? Before the Romanesque times, the promotion of Charlemagne’s Carolingian Renaissance and the successive Ottonian arts had come up with the splendid Romanesque art. How could this progress work on Trier Cathedral? And what were the similarities and differences between those Romanesque churches in the same region when comparing them to Trier Cathedral? How could these architectural characters be displayed when combining the different architectural languages? These mean a lot and are worth researching. In the historical respect, Trier Cathedral had attended so many events for a long time; and from the architectural points of view, Trier Cathedral is just as its unsung look, telling the true greatness with mere simplicity and humbleness. In this thesis, the significance and the spirit of art will be presented by researching the history and development of Trier Cathedral. The honor of the old empires would fade out and disappear, but the history, religion and art which belong to Trier cathedral would live with eternity, and make people wander and marvel again and again.


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