  • 學位論文


A Study of "Shiziho" Making of Wooden Statues From Lukang With Quanzhou Style

指導教授 : 江韶瑩


本研究運用民俗學、工藝史研究方法,透過技法的紀錄,對於地域性、私密性極強的粧佛工藝,藉由鹿港施家粧佛的研究書寫,記錄即將消逝的無形文化資產。 「施自和佛具店」作為鹿港地區地緣性、家族傳承關係極強,施禮為李世順之外姓弟子,鹿港天后宮大修學徒時期與泉州師傅交流,粧佛技藝泉州鳳勾主理雕刻工程中所習,鹿港施自和佛具店一脈創於鹿港當地,然與泉州原鄉淵源頗深。 施禮創設施自和佛具店,小木鑿花功力深厚,開設佛具店後打粗胚、粧佛皆可不假手他人,其家族可獨立作業,長子施至輝為教育部第十屆民族藝術薪傳獎得主,今年已七十八歲,今年度開始傳習藝生,粧佛中漆線傳承在臺中文化資產總管理處傳授。 「粧佛」是指製作神、佛像的一門工藝,過程須經歷木刻後,方進入後製裝飾工作,本研究採施家粧佛說法為包含木雕刻到表面漆線盤飾,主要著重在粧佛的工藝工料、工序、工法書面紀錄,透過宮廟、私人收藏的田野調查,試圖釐清在不同時期風格的變化、表面塗料的改變對於技藝之影響。


粧佛 施自和 施至輝 鹿港


The essay systematically uses theories of art sociology, folklore, applied art history, recording the technique of making of wooden statues only in some regions with mystery. Through the Research of Shi's making of wooden statues in Lukang, I would like to try to keep the dying culture property in words. Shiziho Shop in Lukang has been in here for many generations. Shi Li , who was the apprentice of Li Shishun, studied the skill of making of wooden statues from Quanzhou artificer during the overhaul of Tien Hou Temple in Lukang. Although Shiziho shop settles in Lukang, it has a very strong relationship with Quanzhou. ShihLi had the profound skills of patterning carving and started the Shiziho Shop. He could do the models and makings without other's help. His eldest son ShihChih-hui, 78 years old, the tenth National Heritage Award owner, teaches the skill of making of wooden statues in Cultural Heritage Administration Center of Taichung City this year. The making of wooden statues involves the craving and finishing. The essay mainly discusses the materials, methods and records. By field research with temples and private collections, I would like to clarify the effect of the skill in different style of time and the change of coating.


Making of wooden statues Shiziho ShihChih-hui Lukang


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