  • 學位論文

碩士畢業影片 短片作品《神算》創作論述

A Critique Essay on the Film Work "The Busy Young Psychic"

指導教授 : 廖慶松


臺灣民間信仰一向是民眾關心的議題,尤其是對人鬼之間的關係與互動,更是充滿了興趣,因此研究者選擇宮廟文化與信仰的題材作為影片故事的背景,製作電影短片《神算》。 參考目前國內外靈異題材的相關電影作品,多為驚悚、恐怖的類型,其目的在於刺激觀眾感官;而喜劇或劇情片類型,則多著重於親情、生死議題的討論。《神算》試圖走出不一樣的道路,以通靈、信仰題材為亮點,但不過分強調靈異題材驚悚恐怖的面相,反而增加了青春與成長的元素,藉由宮廟複雜的眾生相,映照出主角青春期的單純,以此描寫出具有特色的成長故事。 《神算》主角謝君雅是個熱愛棒球的高中少女,在學校表現不佳的她,下課後卻是個知名的「仙姑」,這種能夠跨越陰陽兩界的特殊身分為她帶來許多困擾:宮廟信眾對她屈膝膜拜、相信她能呼風喚雨,但是真實的她卻是個單純的小女生,不知道該如何追求自己想要的生活,尤其是該如何和校隊的學長告白,真正談一場戀愛。君雅必須面對青春期的戀愛煩惱與傳統信仰的天命重擔,並在經歷兩難的抉擇後,蛻變地更加成熟,重新了解、接受「靈媒」身分的意義與責任,並且找到能夠堅定追求自己生活的方式。 在實際影片創作之外,輔以本論述的文本研究,從創作面與市場面交錯討論,概述宮廟題材與青春成長電影主題的特點;另參考學術資料,分析相關靈異題材與類型影片的操作方式;最後翔實記錄本片創作與執行的過程,闡明劇中各執行元素與集資、發行、宣傳等考量細節,希冀能作為往後短片企劃與執行時的參考依據。


Taiwanese Folk beliefs have been a central topic for the general public. Most of all, people are in particular interested in the connection between mankind and the ghost. Thus, research fellow selected the temple culture and beliefs as the materials for background stories to shoot a short film The Busy Young Psychic. If you refer to those domestic or foreign films that related to supernatural theme, you can find out that most of the films are thriller or horror movies. The main reason for choosing these genres is to stimulate the senses of the audience. The other genre would be comedy or drama films that focus on talking about family love and life or death issues. The Busy Young Psychic attempts to take the road less traveled by. The movie highlights the psychic vision and folk beliefs. However, this film does not put more emphasis on the psychic or thriller, horror film aspect. More puberty and growing up elements are added to this film. Different faces of complicated figures who serve in the temple can reflect the innocence of the protagonist during her puberty. This is how the growing up story is told through featured film. The main character Jun Ya Xie in The Busy Young Psychic is a teenage high school student who adores baseball very much. She did not do well at school. After class, she becomes a well-known “Psychic.” This supernatural power to go between the two worlds, our world and the underworld, also brings some troubles to her. The followers in the temple will kneel down to her for they believe that she can exercise magical powers. Yet, she is nothing but a simple little girl in deed in real life. She does not know how to pursue the life she wants. She does not even know how to start up a conversation or to express herself to a senior who plays for the school team. She does not know how to talk about love. Jun Ya shall face the love trouble and carry the destiny of traditional beliefs on her shoulders. After going through a dilemma, she becomes much mature. She starts to understand what it takes to be a “psychic” and what responsibilities she shall take for doing this. She would find a way out to pursue the life she wants. In addition to the real film production, this thesis is taken as a complementary study to be a foil for the text. Research fellow begins with the creative and market phases to keep on a discussion. This paper summarizes the temple culture and beliefs topics and puts more weight on “coming of age” genre for shooting a film. Referring to academic data, this essay simply explores some genre films of supernatural topic. Last but not least, research fellow tries to elaborate every element to put the film into action, and records every detail of the process of film development, production, post-production, and marketing stage. Hopefully, this would be for future planning and execution to keep on shooting a film.


Austin, B.A., Gordon, Thomas F. (1987). Movie genres: toward a conceptualized model and standardized definitions. In Austin, Bruce A. (ed.), Current research in film: Audiences, Eeconomics, and Law Vol.3, 12-33. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Benyahia, Sarah Casey; Gaffney, Freddie; White, John (2006). As Film Studies: The Essential Introduction. Essentials Series. Taylor & Francis.
(原書Ken Dancyger, Jeff Rush. Alternative Scriptwriting: Writing beyond the Rules)


