  • 學位論文


Trembling-The Involuntary Errors in Translation

指導教授 : 陶亞倫


聲音藝術,是音樂?還是藝術?錯誤聲響,是噪音?還是可造之媒材?因為 聲音本身的抽象性,以及無法直接以視覺呈現,模糊了其定位與範疇。聲音吸引 我的原因在於其富有想像空間與多元的可能性,這也是我在創作時所思考的。 在高度電腦化、機械化的數位時代,人與人之間的溝通逐漸由0與1構成的 數位訊號所取代,科技除了帶來便利,卻也帶來疏離感。對於機械及電腦的依賴, 讓我在生活中常會因此發生失誤不協調以及面對人群的緊張感;假設機械在面對 人的情況下也發生不可預測隨機的失誤,違背著它原本該有的精準無誤,將會如 何?這是我感興趣的地方。藉由對類比磁帶的懷舊與著迷、及其媒材的特性,創 造了一個介面,用自身生活中跨文化語言的經驗,嘗試去思考與呈現機器、人以 及人與人之間溝通表達的微妙關係。 本文將討論科技介面對於人在溝通上的問題和錯誤聲響對於我在純聲音、聲 音視覺、聲音裝置創作上思考的問題和影響,其探討的重點在於失誤、錯誤,而 非語言轉譯,語言轉譯在此只用於其中一件作品的部分內容。


錯誤聲響 科技 介面 溝通 磁帶


Is Sound Art music, or another form of arts? Is mistaken sound noise, or the medium that could work with flexibility? Sound is abstract, and can’t be displayed visually, so it’s definition and field are blur. Sound Art attracts me because it’s inspiring imagination and multiple possibilities. And this is what I’m thinking of my art work. In the cyber, high mechanized and digital life, the traditional way people connect is replaced by 0 and 1 digital signals. New technology not only brings convenience but also distant. Many disorders and tense in facing people happen because we rely on technology and computers too much. I am wondering that if machines also make unpredictable mistakes. What will happen? Because of personal fascination and love of the past, I create an interface with analogic cassette tapes, using my experiences of cross-culture languages try to rethink and show the subtle relationships of communication between machines to people and people to people. This thesis will discuss the problems of people communication in technological interface and the thinking of mine about sound, visual sound, and sound installations. The emphasis will focus on errors, not on the language and translation.


error sound technology interface communication cassette tape


4. 史迪芬•平克(Steven Pinker)著,洪蘭譯,2008,《語言本能》,商周出版。
1. 郭冠英著,2000,《異端影音煉金術》,唐山出版社。
2. 麥克魯漢(Marshall McLuhan)著,鄭明萱譯,2006,《認識媒體:人的延伸》, 貓頭鷹出版。
3. 龔卓軍 著,2006,《身體部署》–梅洛龐蒂與現象學之後,心靈工坊出版。
