  • 學位論文

高齡者文化參與之研究 -以新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館樂齡日為個案

The Study into Cultural Participation of Elderly—A Case Study of “Senior’s Day” of New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum

指導教授 : 廖仁義


21世紀「人口高齡化」成為全球共同議題,如何因應高齡時代所引發的社會需求、促進人們健康老化已成為重要課題。根據聯合國「活躍老化」觀念,欲提升高齡者生活品質,「社會參與」是基礎原則;而博物館作為服務社會的非營利常設機構,正是高齡者社會參與的重要潛力場域。 過往,長者在面對教育及文化活動參與中較少受重視,角色也相對弱勢。現今,隨終身學習理念興起、學習權倡導,高齡者也成為博物館潛力觀眾。該如何為其提供友善的環境、服務,切合了博物館近年以文化平權為主體延伸的「文化參與」概念;如何針對不同族群需求,藉由去除公眾參與的門檻提升「可及性」甚至進一步賦權,也可說是民主精神在博物館的體現。 針對可及性提升,英國DCMS提出具環境、哲學兩重要面向,要達到目標須先消除可能造成觀眾參與的障礙,如:生理及感知的障礙、知識壁壘、文化障礙、態度隔閡、經濟障礙及科技障礙等。本文以新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館辦理兩年的「週二樂齡日」為例,以文獻回顧、觀察法、問卷調查法探討高齡觀眾參觀經驗與障礙,並藉由訪談整理館方設計高齡者服務及活動的理念、執行經驗,希藉由個案探討高齡者文化參與精神及歸納出提升高齡者參與博物館活動可及性的建議。


According to the concept of active aging coined by WHO, social participation is the key to enhance the quality of life for the elderly by maintaining a healthy aging process. With increasing awareness within the society, the museum becomes one of the potential venues as non-profit organizations to provide social participations opportunities for the elderly. As an extension of “culture participation”, museums are facing challenges in how to provide a friendly environment and services, in line with the cultural affiliation in recent years. According to the British DCMS, in order to achieve such goal, the museum must eliminate the barriers that may discourage participation. Which the principal hence encouraged more awareness towards the needs of different ethnic groups, and the enhancement of public accessibility. It can be said that such process would’ve been an embodiment of the spirit cultural citizenship. Furthermore, a long-term plan based on philosophy-oriented thinking should be considered aside from infrastructure development. In the paper, we will discuss the motivation and obstacles of senior audiences through the case of the “Senior Day” hosted by Yingge Ceramics Museums. The aim of this study is to explore the culture participation of the elderly in order to implicate methods to enhance the accessibility of museum activities.


