  • 學位論文


Mental Health Literacy On Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Child Caregiver

指導教授 : 張菊惠


目的:探討注意力不足/過動症症病童照顧者參與支持性團體與心理健康素養之相關性。 方法:採自填式問卷方式,從某精神專科醫院篩選診斷為注意力不足/過動症病童資料於病童就醫時進行照顧者收案,共收樣本數69人,問卷內容包含照顧者社會人口學資料、病童罹病史、團體參與種類及心理健康素養量表。此量表依據南佛羅里達大學心理健康研究中心委託研究發展設計之MHLQ量表有六個構面(價值/能力信念、權利的信念、知識/理解、功能行為、批判行為與溝通行為)共二十八題。工具內在一致性為0.97,以Liker scale 5分法,以百分位標準分數計算,SPSS18.0進行資料處理及統計分析進行。 結果:整體心理健康素養滿分為100分,平均得分69.1(SD=19.1),最低25.3分,最高98.7分。各構面得分相近,依序為權利的信念71.7分(SD=23.1)、批判行為70.5分(SD=21.9)、溝通行為69.3分(SD=25.1)、功能行為68.3分(SD=19.6)、知識/理解67.5分(SD=19.1)及價值/能力信念66.8分(SD=21.6)。同時參加照顧者與病童團體之照顧者相較於未參加任何團體者之心理健康素養得分高(79.4>60.7),進一步以迴歸分析控制照顧者年齡、教育程度、病童年齡,在團體參與亦呈顯著差異(P<0.01),照顧者年齡呈負相關(P值<0.05),可解釋變異量為28.2%(P值=0.00)。病童年齡及照顧者教育程度則無顯著性。 結論:發現有專業服務的介入心理健康素養程度較佳,參與團體照顧者,可增加健康知識與資訊,決定醫療服務與利用的能力,尤其在對於病童的照顧上有幫助。另團體學習的過程中,照顧者的壓力紓解及對病童問題處理能力可獲改善。建議除藥物治療外,對照顧者應加入心理師、社工師、護理師等其他專業以團體介入的方式,以提供照顧者的社會支持網絡與調適,有效改善照顧者壓力與增強行為問題處理與因應能力。


Objective:To investigate the relationship between caregiver of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder children joining supportive group and mental health literacy. Method:By using voluntary filling questionnaire, the subjects are 69 diagnosis as attention-deficit/hyperactivity children caregiver from some mental specialize hospital, to collect data from socio-demographic of caregiver, sick children history, category of joining groups and mental health literacy score. The MHLQ score was developed by University of South Florida Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute has 28 questions in total with six dimensions(Belief in Values/Capabilities, Belief in Rights, Knowledge/Understanding, Functional Behaviors, Critical Behaviors and communication behavior).The inner coherence of tool is 0.97. We use Liker scale 5 act statistics to calculated percentage standard score and SPSS18.0 to process data. Result:The full score of total mental health is 100,the average score is 69.1(SD=19.1) and the lowest is 25.3,the highest is 98.7. Each dimension has similar score.The Belief in Rights and critical behavior is 71.7(SD=23.1) and 70.5(SD=21.9).The communication behavior is 69.3 (SD=25.1) and functional behavior is 68.3(SD=19.6).The knowledge / realization score is 67.5(SD=19.1) and Belief in Values/Capabilities is 66.8(SD=21.6), respectively In the same time, joining groups associated with caregiver and sick children got higher mental health literacy score which compare with those do not join (79.4>60.7),go further by using regressive analysis to analyze control group of caregivers age, degree of education, age of children, group joining also show significant difference(P<0.01), age of caregivers show negative correlation(P<0.05), explainable variable is 30%(P=0.0).There shows no relationship between age of children and education of caregivers. Result:We found that people with better professional mental health literacy intervene and joining group care may increase health knowledge and information. It also determinate the capability to using medical service and it is helpful to care sick children. In the course of group learning to alleviate the pressure of caregiver and improve the process capability of sick children questions.Therefore, we should add intervene of psychologist social worker nurse and other professionals except medical treatment.To provide social support network and adaptation to caregiver is an effective method to improve pressure and enhance responsive capability.




