  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness Research of Visitatorial Inspection in Factory Safety Management

指導教授 : 何三平


有鑑於工廠安全衛生管理人員之業務量太過於繁雜,舉凡環安衛管理系統之推行與維護、安全衛生教育訓練之實施、承攬商安全管理、現場巡視檢查、客戶與保險公司之稽核、緊急應變演練、健康檢查與健康促進之活動等皆屬之,因此安衛人員無法專心於巡檢工作,造成現場巡視檢查之時間相對壓縮,使得現場安全衛生巡視檢查落實度不足,難以有效檢出現場安衛缺失。 本研究以專人專責巡視檢查之方式,探討每年檢查缺失件數、原因型態分佈、改善前後之風險等級及成本效益分析,進行交叉分析及彙整;亦透過勞動檢查機構專案檢查及公司集團之定期環安衛稽核件數統計以及事故調查報告之收集,分析其意外事故發生次數與財產損失金額等資料。研究資料顯示,持續推行專人巡視檢查發現,總缺失數由97年1282件減少為710件(98年),其中人為因素為主要缺失之原因;而97年不宜接受的風險等級2有43件缺失,經過一整年公司指派專員不斷地實施巡視檢查,於98年後其缺失數驟降至1件;公司集團稽核之缺失數從初期顯著降低至後期呈現穩定持平,主管機關之95年~98年專案檢查違規件數分別從11件、8件、6件、2件呈現降低之趨勢;從意外事故發生次數與財產損失金額來看,97年開始實施專人巡視檢查制度,至98年仍持續推行此制度,其發生次數與金額皆呈現逐年降低之現象。 導入專人巡視檢查制度後,不但可獲得缺失件數減少、風險等級降低、意外事故發生次數與財產損失金額降低等正向結果,連帶政府主管機關實施工安檢查所開立之缺失亦呈現逐年減低之趨勢。是故,廠內實施專人巡視檢查制度應可作為達到改進安全管理績效的良方之ㄧ。惟「設備/管線/支架腐蝕或洩漏」、「作業後未恢復原狀」、「未落實5S」、「護蓋(罩)未復原/安裝」等四項人為因素之違規項目,具有重複發生之再現性,所以除了持續落實專人巡視檢查制度外,積極推動與建立廠內安全文化應是達到全方位安全管理的治本之道。


The assigned works, such as promoting and maintaining SHE management system, executing of SHE education and training, contractors safety management, plant site patrolling for safety inspection, audit from customers or insurance Company, employee emergency response training, employee annual health inspection etc, for SHE Dept. are very miscellaneous and heavy. As a result, SHE Dept. can not focus on plant site patrolling safety inspection and the time available for such inspection is relative compressed. The implement for safety inspection can not be fulfilled and the safety shortcomings can not be fully revealed. This study is carried out by assigning full-time inspector to execute the plant site patrolling for safety inspection to collect data and cross analyze the number of safety shortcomings and cause-type distribution, risky rating comparison between before/after improvement as well as cost expensed vs. benefit gained. This study also applies the statistic data collected and incident investigation report through the Authority’s special inspection and periodic SHE audit within the Group to analyze the number of incident occurring and related property loss. From the data, it show that total shortcomings decreased from 1282 in 2008 to 710 in 2009, with the human-fail as the major cause. With the aid of one year continual implementation in safety inspection by full-time inspector, the number of un-acceptable shortcomings of risky rating Ⅱ decreased sharply from 43 in 2008 to 1 in 2009. The shortcomings found by the group audit decreased significantly at the beginning period then turned to maintain at a steady level. During the period of 2006 - 2009, the number of irregularity pointed out by the Authority’s special inspection decreased from 11 to 8, 6, and 2 respectively, showing the downward trend. The same is true to the incident occurring frequency and property loss. Thanks to the introducing of the safety inspection by the full-time inspectors, a positive result is achieved not only in decreasing shortcomings, reducing risky rating, incident occurring frequency and property loss, also in the decreasing in the irregularity pointed out by the Authority. Therefore, it is believed the implementation of full-time inspector for safety inspection is one of the effective improving actions for safety management. However , following four items of human-fail, i.e. erosion and leakage in equipment/pipeline, not returning to the original state after operation , not fulfill of 5S management , no installation or not recovery of the safety cover for moving parts, are found repeatedly. Therefore, beside the continual implementation of full-time inspector for safety inspection, how to aggressively set-up the safety culture in the plant site is believed to be the fundamental tactics for all-rounds safety management.


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