  • 學位論文


Quality Improvement of Service Recovery for Ocean Freight Forwarders in Taiwan

指導教授 : 丁吉峯


近年來服務品質之議題越來越受到企業界之重視,服務品質的好壞直接影響顧客忠誠度及滿意度,顧客對服務品質感到不滿意時即須進行服務補救,相對的顧客感到滿意之服務品質則須繼續維持,如此一來便可維持,甚至提高顧客之忠誠度及滿意度,進而增進公司的整體績效。有鑑於此,本研究參考了許多服務補救及品質機能展開之相關文獻,以託運人(貨主)為研究對象,探討託運人(貨主)對海運承攬運送業實施服務補救的真正需求,並針對託運人(貨主)對於實施服務補救的需求,進而訂定進行服務補救措施以提升服務品質之具體可行方案,並以品質機能展開排出具體可行方案執行的優先順序,以提供海運承攬運送業,進行服務補救時的重要參考。研究結果可分為兩方面,包括: (一)顧客需求:託運人(貨主)所重視的服務品質項目,包括:「運費(運價)或成本」、「運送時間」、「航次頻率船期多寡」、「船期準確性」、「服務可靠度與完整性」、「服務便利性」、「艙位是否容易取得」、「安全性」、「貨載追蹤能力」、「狀況處理能力(含特殊狀況與緊急事件)」、「貨損理賠」、「業務人員態度」、「業務人員專業知識」、「顧客聯繫與溝通暢通」、「航運文件正確性」、「航運文件(提單)之發放速度」、「運務(OP)人員素質」、及「聲譽」。 (二)可行策略:執行方案之優先順序分別為「強化員工教育訓練」、「快速回應」、「建立標準化流程」、「提供客戶諮詢」、「告知失誤發生之狀況及原因」、「定期召開檢討會」、「整合抱怨處理經驗以建立資料庫」、「提供等待時間資訊」、「給予適當滿意的補償」、「道歉」、「更換」、「管理者出面解決」。


The development of service recovery has a fundamental impact on the structures and processes of business systems. The service quality effects customers’ satisfaction and customers’ loyalty. When customers are unsatisfied or the service qualities are not meeting the customers’ requirements, the issues of service failure and service recovery are emerged. Due to the fact that the service failures occur frequently in the service system, it is worthy to concentrate the issue of service recovery. Hence, the main purpose of this paper aims to investigate the quality improvement of service recovery for ocean freight forwarders in Taiwan. At first, preliminary twenty-four attributes of service quality and fourteen strategies of service recovery are conducted by literature review with combination of experts’ opinions. Secondly, an evaluation framework integrating three approaches – threshold and importance analysis (TIA), importance-performance analysis (IPA), and fuzzy quality function deployment (FQFD) – and with combination of three-stage questionnaires are developed. Finally, an empirical analysis for the evaluation is performed to demonstrate the computational process of three methods adopted by this thesis. The empirically results show that (1) eighteen attributes of service qualities and twelve strategies of service recovery are valued by shippers via TIA approach; (2) ten attributes of service quality are positioned on the ‘concentrate here’ in quadrant 2 and ‘low priority’ in quadrant 3 by using the IPA approach; and (3) applying the FQFD approach to prioritize the top three strategies of service recovery are strength of staff training, quick response, and the development of standard operational procedure (SOP), respectively. In addition, to acquire the voice of customers, the ten attributes of service quality are suggested to improve. Furthermore, the service recovery strategies are suggested to be paid more attention by the ocean freight forwarders in Taiwan.


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