  • 學位論文


A Comparison Study of Labor Inspection Legislation Between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 陳振和


近年來兩岸之勞動政策及勞動環境均各自有其變化,隨著兩岸交流頻繁,兩岸企業實有必要相互熟悉職業安全衛生政策管制內容及措施,尤其台灣企業應密切注意兩岸管制內容之異同,積極因應兩岸政策及法令變化之挑戰。 本研究針對勞工安全衛生範疇之勞動檢查作探討,主要從兩岸法規內容之法體系、組織、檢查範圍、檢查程序、法律責任等面向,進行有系統的整理及分析比較。在法體系面向,臺灣係將勞動安全與衛生合併規範於職業安全衛生法中,並將勞動檢查另立單行法規即勞動檢查法;中國則將安全與衛生分別規範於安全生產法及職業病防治法中,同時亦將安全檢查、衛生檢查分別規範於該二大法中,未若臺灣有針對勞動檢查部分設立專法;在組織面向,臺灣勞動檢查型態,原則上採中央專責機構統一垂直管理,中國則採中央與地方分級管理模式;在檢查範圍方面,台灣之職業安全衛生相關法令及中國之安全生產監管相關法規之內容均得為檢查事項,從而因兩岸職業安全衛生內容之不同而有差異;在檢查程序方面,兩岸各自之規範差異性較小;在法律責任方面,兩岸法規對於違法者均定有停工、停業、罰鍰等行政處罰責任,刑事責任部分,臺灣職業安全衛生法、勞動檢查法均單獨定有刑責,中國法規則無獨立之刑責規定,僅規定依刑法有關規定追究刑責,民事賠償責任部分,兩岸均回歸其民事法規處理。


The labor policies and labor environments across the Strait have changed and gone their separate ways. Following the frequent communication, it is therefore necessary for all enterprises from both sides of the Strait to get mutually familiar with the supervisory measures for occupational safety and hygiene. Taiwan enterprises especially, should keep their eyes on the differences and similarities of supervisory measures across the Strait, in order to cope with the challenge of changing policies and regulations. This research will aim solely at the labor inspection under the concept of labor safety and labor hygiene. There will be comparative and systematical studies on regulations across the Strait regarding legal systems, institutions, inspection range, procedures, and liabilities. The two sides across the Strait differ in the ways they place labor inspection in their legal systems. Taiwan combines labor safety with labor hygiene, and both issues are stipulated together in the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Labor inspection stands independently in the Labor Inspection Act. The PRC, on the contrary, has no stand-alone act on labor inspection. There are Law on Work Safety for issues regarding safety as well as Law on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases for those regarding hygiene. Labor inspection on safety or hygiene are placed respectively in the two laws. Moreover, the labor inspection institution in Taiwan is mainly of integrative structure. A dedicated institution in the central government performs the inspection and management vertically. However, the PRC's is of hierarchy structure in the central-local government relations. In inspection range, both the scopes of labor inspection cross the Strait include the enforcement of all regulations concerning occupational safety and hygiene. Therefore, the differences of regulations between the two sides make the two legal systems work in diverse ways. As for the procedures of labor inspection, there is no significant difference that merits our attention. In the end, regarding the legal liabilities, violators on both sides of the Strait are subject to administrative penalties including fines, suspension of work or operation, and so on. Criminal penalties are found in Taiwan's Occupational Safety and Health Act and Labor Inspection Act, while the violators in China are prosecuted according to the criminal law. In the cases of civil damages on both sides of the Strait, claimants have to seek compensation according to the civil law.


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