  • 學位論文

[The Ironing Man] 之中譯與譯評

Translation of [The Ironing Man] and Translation Methods Utilization

指導教授 : 李憲榮


賴斯(Katharina Reiss)的功能理論(functional theories),認為翻譯不應只停留在單字和句子構句的單位上,而是涉及整體文本,甚至文本以外的因素也要考慮,賴斯認為:文本類型分析,有助於譯者選擇合理的翻譯策略,所以她將文本分成三種類型,即信息類、表情類,操作類,而小說則是被賴斯歸類為表情類。 在翻譯文章中,由於不同的文化背景和風土民情等因素,筆者除了要忠實地再現原文作者的思想與風格,同時又要考量到讀者的理解與譯文的流暢,所以韋努提(Lawrence Venuti)的異化(foreignizing)與歸化(domestication)翻譯理論,也是筆者很重要的參考依據,筆者認為:只選取一個理論而排除另一種理論的做法,就翻譯來說會造成顧此失彼的情形,各派理論都有各自的優缺點,需參考各派學說,加以去蕪存菁才能達到翻譯的最終目的。


German scholar, Ress is the creator of functional theories. She believes that the translation should not focus on words and sentences, but should focus on the content of the article . Ress thinks classifying text types can help translators choose the right translation strategy. So she divides the text into three types. There are informative text , expressive text and operative text. And the study is based on expressive text for architecture. Since different factors such as the local conditions and customs of the cultural background, we should faithfully reproduce the original author's thoughts, consider the readers’ understanding and fluency of the version. Therefore,the foreignzing and domestication of Venuti are important reference for me. Every theory has advantages and disadvantages. We cannot choose one while ignoring other theories. So I refer to the above the theories of scholars, and use their theories as the foundation and translation skills to finish the paper.


李德鳳(2007)。『翻譯學導論:理論與實踐』。香港:香港大學出版。(譯自Introducing translation students: Theories and application)。
孫順智(2002)。「從Artistic Approach的中譯看翻譯新趨勢:專業翻譯」翻譯學研究期刊7期,53-74。
Campbell, C. (1999). The Ironing Man, United Kingdom ,Cambridge.
